Analysis Of The Sceneography Of Hip-Hop Artist Kendrick Lamar

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In this speech I wish to discuss the Sceneography of the critically acclaimed Hip-Hop artist, Kendrick Lamar's live performance at the 2016 Grammy Awards. For the general populous Hip-Hop live performance and high tire theatrical production are worlds apart but when Kendrick Lamar and associated production teams preformed at the American Music Award event, the internet and the world alike were taken by storm. The performance Brings urban hip-hop music which is considered to be the most low brow genre in popular music together with phenomenal sound, lighting, chorography. The level of articulation for the musicians, dancers and technical team works so cohesively and is absolutely a sight to be seen. Of course this territory has been also touched …show more content…

It begins with a free form Jazz piece with sparse instrumentation, mainly supported by a saxophone. Along side the light musical accompaniment is very prominent sound effect which helps the view connect the first act of this piece the jail house. As the very dark lighting scene is lit there are a few jail house round lights which are a soft orange which I believe tie into the theme of fire and passion which I'll dive into more as we walk through the performance. The sound of prison ankle chains is played as the lights focus on the five people walking towards the microphone, the first of which being of course Kendrick Lamar. One thing I found incredibly interesting as a sound person was the fact that a wireless microphone was placed on a microphone stand which is obviously quite redundant. I quickly realised this could very well be for artist purposes as Kendrick wraps his cuffed has over the mic stand which could be symbolic of the enslavement of the music industry to the artist. A discussion he has openly had with the community before. Kendrick hesitantly begins to rap the song “Blacker The Berry” It is important to note the musical accompaniment is not the original music that supports this work but a complete rework to build tension and anticipation for what is about to happen. The band begins to link up and there a strong stabs by the guitars, …show more content…

Traditional African Music begins to play and Kendrick is joined by not only his jail mates but also twenty African dancers with traditional costumes. Some are playing hand drums and video of people playing hand drums are enlarged on a projection screen behind them. The back drop is completely red with heavy black shadows bounced onto it. I believe this represents the tribal and earth theme of this scene. The centre piece of this state is an extremely large fire place prop with large logs and what appears to be real flames. This in itself is a production masterpiece the safety and legal precautions alone to do something like this would surely be astronomical and truly is a sight to be seen in the Staples Centre. The Dancers have choreographed a piece for the track “Alright” the Hip-Hop hit accompanied with tribal dancing is quite obviously as statement about the deep connections to modern music culture to the ancient human history in Africa which is something that is insanely distanced in the Hip-Hop and music culture

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