Analysis Of The Movie Jaws

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The Most Suspenseful Movie Jaws is a really movie about a lot of suspense. The reason I think that Jaws is a really good movie about building suspense is because of three main things. One of the things that has a lot of suspense is Sound. When Jaws, well the shark is under water and is about to attack something or someone the music starts getting loud. Another thing that is really good about building suspense is the Camera Angle. The reason I think the camera angle is good about building suspense is when the camera is on the boat and it's going with the waves it feels like you're really there. The last thing that really draws my attention in the movie that builds suspense is the picture. The reason that the this really draws my attention is because in the film when something bad or a big part of the movie is about to happen the lighting in the movie also makes it feel like you are really there are have a part of what's actually going on. The least topic in the film that drew my attention about building suspense is the picture. In the film Jaws the picture still has a big affect on the movie and still is one of the biggest things that builds the suspense. Here are a couple of examples and why I think that the picture in the film Jaws drew my attention on building suspense. The first thing that I thought builds suspense using picture is when …show more content…

The camera angle is a big part of the film jaws. Here are some examples of how I think that the camera Angle is a big part about building suspense. One of my example’s from the movie Jaws is when the shark was attacking the boat it felt like you actually had apart with what was going on because the camera was going with the waves. The second example is when when the camera was jumping from the shark's point of view too the person that was getting attacked. The third and final thing that I thought that brought suspense to the film Jaws is the camera showed a lot of first

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