Analysis Of The Lake Of Innisfree

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Sound effects are a dominant part of the poem “The Lake of Innisfree” by William Butler Yeats. The sound effects are created with many different techniques throughout the entire poem, and it creates a dominant sense of tranquility on the Lake of Innisfree. The words of the poem graciously flow together creating an overall pleasing sound to the poem. Rhyming, repetition, assonance, alliteration, punctuation, and the lively description of nature really brings the reader into the peaceful paradise of Innisfree.
A melody is a piece of music that is very pleasing and calming to listen to. Rhyme is used in this poem to create a melodic effect. There are three stanzas in this poem with four lines per stanza. The alternating rhymes of the last words …show more content…

Yeats mentions, “And live alone in the bee-loud glade.” Just by reading this the audience can imagine bees swarming around them creating a very loud, soothing buzz. Yeats also writes, “I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore.” This line creates an evident sound of the ocean tides rising and falling gracefully in the background of the buzzing. The explicit detail of the nature in this poem makes it easy to make the reader feel like he or she is surrounded by the buzzing of bees and the waves of the ocean at the beautiful island of Innisfree surround them. The speaker of this poem can hear all of these details explicitly in his mind, which shows the yearning that he has to be surrounded by the peaceful sounds of …show more content…

The alternating rhymes create a melodic sound while reading the poem. Repetition brings an assertive sound to the poem that the speaker wants to escape to the island of peace right away. Assonance throughout the poem creates a flow of words that sounds like the roll of an ocean. Alliteration creates a smooth tranquil sound, and emphasizes the sounds of nature in Innisfree. Punctuation is used to create the sound of the up and down movement of the waves. The description of the ocean flowing and bees buzzing in the poem create a vivid sound of peacefulness at the island of

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