Analysis Of The Jack Paar Show

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“What’s ruining television today are those big productions – It’s the fairies who are going to ruin show business.” For some, this quote from The Jack Paar Show may seem unsettling. In the midst of a Supreme Court that has recently extended even more rights to a community so harshly oppressed, it is shocking to think that just fifty years ago, thoughts like this represented the majority opinion. The evolution of homosexuality in television has seen tremendous leaps and countless obstacles; yet what has emerged in the wake of it all is a form of media that has drastically impacted discourse surrounding gay men. This analysis aims to discuss the show Glee, as well as the key aspects of homosexuality that are portrayed. It will examine the characters …show more content…

In television, the male gaze refers to the way in which the camera of a show may objectify a woman. However, those starring on stage in musicals, as well as in musical themed shows such as glee, may be the subject of the gaze. The idea of a ‘gay-male’ gaze, as well as a female gaze, often are described in this situation. Clum describes that “the same chorus boys who play the Cagelles are the macho men who do the dance break in ‘Masculinity.’ The chorus can play masculine or feminine, gay or straight, unlike the drag diva, who can only be gay” (Clum 201). Through this, one may understand that the musical genre, as well as similar television productions, put their focus on two types of audience members: the straight woman and the gay man. Due to the aforementioned relationship between expressive conduct and sexuality, it can be thought that this may contribute to the identification of musicals as a mostly gay aspect of culture. This can be related to Glee in that many of the characters express their sexuality through songs from Broadway musicals and other popular artists, even if it may affirm stereotypes in the

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