Analysis Of The Garden Of Paradise And Eve And Adam

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“If I was her/him I wouldn’t have fallen into temptation”. When we think about

the garden of paradise and Eve and Adam we often think those words. At least once in

our life have all have this thought about Adam and Eve’s decision on the garden of

paradise. Seeing it from the outside it seems so easy to say no to temptation. We

believe that something as “easy” as not eating a fruit from a tree can be avoid by

everyone. All of these thoughts let us to think Adam and Eve were so dumb to eat that

fruit. We then think of ourselves in that situation and assume that for sure we would

have save the world from sin by not eating the fruit. We wonder why they would do

that. All this thoughts and questions were on the king’s son mind on the story “The

Garden of Paradise”. The real question is: If you were n that position would you really

change the world’s fate? Even better, what are you doing now that makes

your daily decisions better than Adam and Eve’s decision?

The king’s son wonders about this topic since he was a child until he reached his

seventeenth year. He was sure that he would have saved the world from sin f he had

been n Adam or Eve’s position. This is how the plot of “The Garden of Paradise” starts.

One day he was walking on the woods and found himself in the cavern of the winds

trying to find refuge from the strong rain. The mother of the four winds introduces

herself and the four winds start entering. They tell their mother and the prince what

they have being doing lately. The last to enter is the East wind who says he is going the

next day to the garden of paradise. He starts talking about the princess of the garden

and suddenly the prince becomes interested. The East Wind invites him to come along


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...he day we all have different obstacles

but we can’t pretend to be strong on our own to overcome them. The story does not mention this t as a Christian I grew spiritually as well because I understood that I won’t

be strong on my own. I need a superior force, someone who is greater than the

temptation to help me and the only one who can is God.
I definitely enjoyed the story. It gave me important lessons that I should

remember every day. It helped me grow as a person, as an individual, as a neighbor

and as a Christian. All of this is important for young people to learn so I would

recommend it to every high school. It might make me angry that the prince chose the

sin over paradise but it makes me realize that I am doing the same thing every day. We

are choosing sin over eternal life and when you realize this you start choosing

differently with God’s help.

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