Analysis Of The Dieppe Raid

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The Dieppe Raid was an action of immediate urgency, which led to poor planning of the attack location. The Allied commanders didn’t have the knowledge of where to attack which definitely was one of the reasons why the mission was a massive flop. The unconditional massacre at Dieppe was necessarily used for the enhancement of better invasion plans and certainly improved preparation to take back Europe from false hands. For example, the allied military leaders came to a conclusion to attack the enemy on June 6th 1944 on the beaches of Normandy, France (. The attack was successful because the allied troops were spread out over five beaches of Normandy (Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, Sword) and installed fake setups in Calais to make it look like as if the attack was going to come from there. This planning was undoubtedly derived from the lessons learned from the raid. The preparation of the D-day also arises from the experiment at Dieppe. For example, soldiers were armed with advanced weaponry and were given appropriate training before the actual mission initiated for D-day. Unlike in the Dieppe raid, soldiers were inexperienced and didn’t have suitable equipment for combat as compared to Germans who had the advantage of machine guns. The advanced preparation for Operation Overlord was a key moral from the Dieppe raid. The development of complex technology was a substantial chapter learned since the Germans crushed allied troops with advance machinery in the Dieppe raid. For example, the utilization of massive sea and air bombardment, use of landing crafts, and the advancement of tactics including weapons and equipment. The technological aspect also specifically was gained from the failed raid.

The Dieppe raid was a huge letdown because...

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... control under allied empower, Hitler appeared to look nervous from the actions that had taken place. Hitler’s force couldn’t resist the cold of Russia of which they had pushed too far into for further enhancements. Hitler would soon learn an enduring lesson since the push he had made in Russia would eventually backfire on him. The deceptive strategy by the Soviets would work perfectly on the German force. For example, Stalin let Hitler’s force into Russia but for the better of the Allied union. He knew that Hitler’s army would suffer and die from the extensive cold and lack of nourishment in Russia. He would then play an offensive move by counter-attacking and pushing all the way back into Germany. The devious tactics played by the allied force surely was a significant lesson learned from the raid, which in the end made Hitler surrender to its “Fortress Europe.”

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