Analysis Of Rosie The Riveter By J. Howard Miller

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Prior to the 1940s, life for women was very different. Women were not typically Due to females being in the workforce, they were gradually climbing the ladder towards having more rights. Rosie the Riveter had a great impact on society. She was depicted by J. Howard Miller as a youthful woman who was meant to temporarily place women in the position of filling the the man’s spot. She was depicted as a muscular woman, flexing her arm muscles along with a caption that states “We Can Do It!” She represents the women who endlessly work in factories to support the effort of the war. In the poster, Rosie is wearing a blue shirt and a red head piece, which makes her stand out from the yellow background. The eyes of the viewer are first drawn to her face, then to her powerful arm, and then the caption. She is different from housewives because she is not smiling but rather has a look of power and strength. Since the first appearance of this character, women have been inspired to surpass the expectations of society. Women not only professed their skills at home but also took part in the militar...

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