Analysis Of Richard Powell's Film 'HEIR'

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Last week I had the privilege to interview writer director Richard Powell of FATAL PICTURES about his film HEIR. That film was a horror drama about child molesting and its cyclical nature. The short horror film FAMILIAR however is a story about blame, and regret. Both films use practical fx to embody the demons in our protagonist to create an entertaining and poignant tale about human nature. In a way both films are two sides of the same coin. They both use the same wrapper but they are both about very different subject matters. FAMILIAR tells the tale of a family man who absolutely loathes his family. He sees them as symbiotic parasites leeching the life right out of him. Our main character (John Dodd) goes through the motions of everyday life with his family while a inner voice compels him to commit unspeakable acts. The tension is quite palpable. Its strange to say but the protagonist was much more likeable in HEIR than the protagonist in FAMILIAR. That’s not to say that the performance was not excellent. The performances all around were very good. It’s just that John Dodd is kind of an ass. Once the big reveal happens you understand why he does what he does, but his inner thoughts are just plain evil. …show more content…

Ditching the inner monologue in FAMILIAR and focusing on the moment was a great choice for HEIR. It allowed director Richard Powell to focus on the characters emotions and not be so locked into a more straight forward narrative as is the case in FAMILIAR. It’s not like I was able to predict the ending, but I could tell the protagonists intentions were malicious from the start in FAMILIAR. Where as in HEIR I did not know what was going to happen with the main character from moment to moment both internally and

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