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Education reform in the us essay
Education reform in the us essay
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In Fred Ende’s article entitled “Policy, meet practice” (2017), the need to better current educational policies and legislation to fit the needs of the incredibly diverse student's population found in the USA is discussed. Ende states that the best way to change the present education system is through advocacy and informing others about the impact excellent education has on society. He suggested that when policy makers and educational professionals collaborate, share, and always keep the actual implementation of laws in the forefront of their mind, progressive changes would be able to take place that would positively impact society. He explains that advocacy is a very important aspect of education, and could easily be integrated into the education system we are using to better service every individual apart of the community. …show more content…
From my experience, advocacy is the best way to provide the best educational experiences for all. The suggestions Ende makes in the article are more than appropriate and would affect the current education system in the United States in the most positive ways possible. The three solutions included in Ende’s article include: “Make sessions on policy practical, Encourage collaboration, [and] Allow policy and practice to meet” (2017). By instilling these practices into the field, reform will begin and learners will no longer be suffering from the archaic and nonsensical policies that are in currently being utilized. When transformed, the educational system should allow for teachers and other professionals to develop strategies that support and advocate for students and families. To do so, individuals
Goldstein argues a problem with education policy is, “American policy makers require every public school to use the same strategy…” (261) When facing the problem of inequality in education a teacher needs to be fluid with his or her curriculum. In fact, one of the best ways to allow for fluidity is through peer-to-peer help. Goldstein states, “(teaching hospital model) allows best practices tailored to a specific school to be passed from professional to professional.” (255) Peer-to-peer help not only does this allow for constructive feedback, but also it allows teachers to learn from one another. While policy makers might not know a schools demographics and unique situation teachers in the school will. Thus, teachers can help one another on their unique problem through a collaborative process. Peer to peer help allows for the design of, “creative curriculum materials and to lead school turnaround efforts.” (232) The problems associated with inequality can be thought out and explored through teachers working
...ntegration of student-faculty conferences, educational facilities will become places full of smiling, bright scholars. As a current student in high school, it is very easy to see these issues in the education system. Each day I walk the halls beside exhausted zombies who debate whether they should use their lunch periods to get math help in the library or sacrifice a club so they could read a chapter of anatomy that is not even relative to what they talk about in class. Due to the ever-increasing competition and subsequent elevation in performance standards, kids’ academic and emotional prosperity is only going to get worse. When I am an adult and have children, there is nothing more that I would love to see in their long drives through high school than an improvement in the education system, so that they would not have to struggle through school my peers and I did.
Piloted Family Partnership training at Equity Institute and for central office professional development providers 6. Completed Seattle Public Schools (SPS) Family Partnership Landscape Analysis in partnerships with Community Center for Educational Results and the Institute for Educational Leadership STRENGTHS 1. Communications/Engagement: Strong communication tools, including end-user-designed website (fall
Education supports everyone getting opportunities in life and being able to choose better for themselves. As Horace Mann wrote, education is the “great equalizer for all.“ However, the United States Public School system will likely never be able to equally educate its masses of students. Public school educating all fairly is a myth.There is no one entity to blame for this failure. The failure lies with each student who has been conditioned to sit passively in an un-engaging classroom. Its failure lies in some students disrespectfully distracting their classmates and frustrating their once inspired teacher or administrator. The failure lies with administration being distracted with causes of the moment and burns out from knowing that all
Duncan, Arne. “Parent Voices for World-Class Education.” National Assessment Governing Board Education Summit for Parent Leaders. Crystal Gateway Marriott, Washington D.C. 13 Jan 2014. Keynote Address. Ed.gov. Web. 29 March 2014.
After reading Joel Spring?s book, and reflecting on some of the issues facing our schools, it is apparent that our educational system requires much attention among our nation?s leaders. While the system has transformed in many beneficial ways, we are still plagued by the growing problems of society. I look forward to reading another book by Joel Spring, and developing my evolving understanding of the educational system within the United States.
The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is bringing down the American education system for the sake of academic competition with other countries that use better methods. This country hasn’t changed its methods in decades. By addressing different aspects of the problem, it can be solved more efficiently and quickly. Three different aspects will be addressed here: what the American education system already does, what other countries are doing (as well as cultural differences), and what we should be doing. What we should be doing is a general combination of what other successful countries are doing, taking advice from experienced educators, and abolishing stressful, unnecessary practices.
Parents and school officials in many communities have found common ground using the following strategies of including all stakeholders. Public schools belong to all citizens, and therefore should emu...
Education is the main source to gain knowledge to begin a successful journey to life's opportunities and advantages. The true value of an education is only what the students, teachers, and administrators make of it to create a foundation for the students of today and tomorrow. Although there are values of having equal rights within a public school education, many rights have been diminished due to certain school policy rules. Relatively new public school policies such as the Zero Tolerance Policy and the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) have influenced what sociologists call a, "School to Prison Pipeline". Zero-Tolerance policies and No Child Left Behind policies are preventing children from getting a quality education that children of today deserve.
Having spent most of my educational career working with students that could be labeled as disadvantaged, at-risk, or any number of convenient labels, I have become concerned with how these students can best be served by both the current educational system and any educational systems that stem from the reform that will inevitably come in one form or another. Many of the students of which I speak have little or no parental support when it comes to their education or anything else for that matter. The reasons for this lack of parental support are many and varied and far beyond the scope of this article. Regardless, some of our most needy children lack the necessary support to succeed in an academic environment, and it is these students that a number of opponents of school choice see as having the most to lose if school choice is implemented on a large sc...
Year after year students put themselves through large amounts of stress, attempts to prepare themselves mentally, and spend majority of their waking hours studying for standardized testing required through the No child left behind act (NCLB). An act put in place by the Bush Administration in hopes and efforts for student around the country to excel in education. However, the No Child Left behind Act is hindering a student’s ability to perform in the classroom rather than the student to excel as planned. Amongst other countries around the world, the United States performs significantly lower in education. Overall, the act had good intentions, but does it really raise achievement and close the achievement gap? Improving education has always been a top priority in the white house. Many laws have been passed but how many have succeed? NCLB is one of the biggest social engineering projects of our time, but shows very little progress in our children’s education. The No Child Left behind Act causes more of a negative outcome by being ineffective at achieving academic improvement, closing the education gap, limiting the teaching material for instructors, and causes a harmful repercussion on children and adolescents mentally and emotionally.
In the United States, many lack the skills necessary for college. Unfortunately, the education system fails to prepare some of its students for work or higher learning. Despite these circumstances, teachers and bureaucrats seek improvements to obtain higher success. In spite of the pressure for success, the current situation is not yielding the desired results. Moreover, in the recent State of the Union Address in early 2014, President Barack Obama stated the need for improved education, especially in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, or STEM fields. Yet, what should reformers pursue? Researchers have observed recurring problems to direct the improvement of education. The information presented, particularly over the past ten years, has revealed a need to involve the students that lag the most. Education risks excluding k-12 boys and minorities, as well as remedial education collegians, in higher education.
Education is meant to be the key to a successful life. It is supposed to inspire great ideas, and prepare each and every generation for their future. However, school for today 's generation fails to meet those requirements. Every student knows education is important, but when school is not engaging or in some cases, even relevant, it makes learning difficult. Improving the school system is something educators attempt to accomplish every year. Despite their best efforts, there are numerous flaws students see, but adults overlook. There is a lack of diversity for students to learn, an overabundance of testing, and students’ voices are being ignored on how to create a more productive learning experience.
Parents and community members want to know that their contributions towards the campus are valued and appreciated. Many times we take for granted those events occurring around us. It is crucial we express gratitude towards those people investing in increasing student achievement. Stakeholders want to feel accepted and worthy in their contributions to the campus. In addition, communities are made up of different types of culture, race and income status making the culture diverse which may act as a barrier in creating a positive atmosphere. Yet, this type of misunderstanding can be avoided by simply asking questions in a respectful manner. School leaders must make parent and community involvement a priority, valuing and accepting each other’s differences. “Schools provide wonderful opportunities to bring together students, families, educators and other community members to build the collaborative partnerships that promote quality educational, recreational, and social opportunities for all citizens” (Lechtenberger and Mullins, 2004, p. 21). Schools, parents and community members must work together to support all students in a learning environment to ensure every student is a successful lifetime
With the proper guidance and support, teachers can achieve academic excellence in the classroom. They follow their principal’s vision and share their goals. Teachers also serve as leaders in their classroom. They share their vision and goals with their students promoting positive attitudes in the classroom. Just like it is important for principals to respect and understand what their teachers need, students also need the support, understanding, respect and empathy from their teachers. When teachers demonstrate commitment in the classroom and set high expectations they raise the level of learning in the classroom. Teachers that work with the students and their parents to understand and meet their needs will achieve positive academic outcomes. Students engage in learning with positive attitudes and strive for high achievements. Teachers work together with their leaders to improve their teaching