Analysis Of Pelican Bay State Prison

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Pelican Bay State Prison, a place where gang leaders and other gang member are sent to keep off the streets and causing havoc in communities like drug trafficking and other numerous offenses that gets them landed there. But to them, as stated in the “Pelican Bay State Prison: War Zone”, it’s a place where they earn more respect, they learn more tricks of the trade and become worse with the other gang members and leaders they cohabitate with. In the video is show that career criminals are able to conduct their business even from, the same crimes that got them in jail in the first place. The Pelican Bay State Prison has been understaffed and overcrowded since the beginning, “The Pelican Bay supermax—ostensibly designed to hold …show more content…

In effort to reduce and stop this from happening the prison have been fighting back, which is having little effect of their efforts. The main purpose of the Pelican Bay State Prison was to keep the worst of the worst prisoners with behavioral problems, with a long-term solitary confinement, under extreme sensory deprivation in one of the 1,056 secure housing unites. In these units, they are made with smooth concrete with no windows, lit with fluorescent lights that stay on 24 hours a day, where they remain in the cell for 22 hours out of the day. They try to keep these career criminals made up mostly of gang member and gang leaders off the street and keep them from counting their illegal behaviors and actives in the streets, but what ends up happening these gang member, come here and better their skills. The prison is a very hostel environment, hence the video calling it a war zone and the violent …show more content…

They studied the criminals lives and show how the link as juveniles and the factors that led them to become a criminals. Statically showing, most people that become criminals fail high school. Showing if a person continues their education the likely hood of becoming a criminal become less and less. These individuals come from broken homes, little education, little money and lack of resources. Growing up in a broken home or family, the child begins to suffer because of either neglect or lack of supervision from a parent figure, either they are not home or work low wage jobs just to make it. Since there is a lack of family support, the child will look for support from another source. The supports they usually find are products of their environment, usually gangs or other bad influences. Even with places that helps less than fortune kids have a role model or after school activates, but most of the time, they do not seek these programs which could help the child on a better path, rather than a life of crime joining a gang or even just commit crime altogether. The main influences on our lives are our families and society that we grow up in, and has a great effect on the individual which can dictate what they do with their lives. When looking at the theory, the effects come from homelessness, abuse neglect, subcultures,

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