Analysis Of Patricia Mccormick's Cut

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Thesis—The award winning novel, Cut, written by Patricia McCormick has been challenged worldwide in many educational systems because it has been proven to be extremely triggering for all ages, especially young adults, and includes harsh themes. Although some readers may agree with this, Cut is actually a very moving and life-changing book. This novel helps others better understand mental illness’, encourages teens to seek help and talk about inner hidden thoughts, and creates a both unique and strong connection with others battling demons screaming within their bodies. This takes them closer to shore and further from the distant island of isolation and loneliness they are too familiar with.
I. Summary
a. Fifteen year old Callie must face …show more content…

There was a case involving a girl who cut herself after reading this book. b. Harsh themes spill on every page of Cut. 1. Cut frequently talks about bulimia, anorexia, suicide, self-mutilation, substance and drug abuse, schizophrenia, anxiety, and depression. 2. Patricia McCormick goes in depth when describing how Callie cuts herself and the reasoning behind these actions.
III. What are the benefits of Patricia McCormick’s Cut being taught worldwide? a. Within these pages others can better understand mental illnesses. 1. This book shows readers how those that are mentally ill think and helps others better understand the “why” of their behaviors. 2. Cut allows readers to feel compassionate towards Callie, as well as those in the reader’s personal life struggling with similar things. b. Cut encourages teens to seek help throughout struggles. 1. Callie starts opening up to others and getting much needed help after being silent for a long period of time. 2. This novel shows that with help beating addiction and recovery is possible. c. Readers can find comfort and feel less alone by reading this book. 1. Callie is someone that depressed teens or those battling self-harm can easily relate …show more content…

Fiery red tile floor. Pain released. Cut showcases a teenager, Callie McPherson, who emerges from the darkness she is trapped in and seeks help throughout the treacherous war raging between her and the blades she struggles hiding. Fifteen year old Callie appears normal from society’s perspective because of her immaculate academic achievements and ability to run as fast as a cheetah; however, behind closed doors her home life is murky mud. As Callie’s mother pays little attention to her and instead focuses on Sam, her little brother, Callie is responsible for “taking care of herself” (McCormick, 65). In the process she becomes captured by her demons and manufactures a deep relationship, literally, amongst objects kissed with “jagged edges” (McCormick, 50). Soon, Callie is an addicted mess and slices her skin open as a coping

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