Analysis Of Parturition By Mina Loy

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I am the centre
Of a circle of pain
Exceeding its boundaries in every direction

These first lines of Mina Loy’s poem “Parturition” indicate the way in which the poet distin-guished herself from other (male) modernist poets: “I am”, writes Loy, and puts a woman in “the centre” of her poem – a poem which has a distinctly female experience as its topic, childbirth. As modernism was a male-dominated literary movement, the experiences of women were largely disregarded but Loy aimed to give the “new woman” a voice and “pre-sented a new female perspective”. In 1914, Loy wrote her “Feminist Manifesto” that speaks out against the inferior position of women in society and stresses the importance of the aban-donment of the traditional view on women. Loy supported her position through her poetry in which she objected the position of women in a male-centred society and presented a new …show more content…

This, in fact, is an example of “dynamic decomposition” of which the speaker claims she understands nothing. The ironic contradiction of form and content underlines the contradiction between the women’s presentation of her outer self and that of her inner self. The poem concludes with the line “’Let us go home she is tired and wants to go to bed.’” which is a statement made by the man. Hence, it “appears to give the last word to the men” but, in reality, it mirrors the poem’s opening lines and emphasises the role the woman assumes on the outside as well as her inner awareness and criticism. This echoes Loy’s proclamation in her “Feminist Manifesto” in which she states that women should “[l]eave off looking to men to find out what [they] are not [but] seek within [themselves] to find out what [they] are”. Therefore, the poem presents a “new woman” confined in the traditional social order but resisting it as she is aware and critical of

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