Analysis Of Mohja Kahf's Thawra Des Odalisque

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Very often writers, directors, and artists find it somewhat challenging to present certain characters in a way that is intended to deliver the message that they wish to convey through the sequence of events that are illustrated within that particular work of art. Usually the main goal of any writer, producer, or artist is bringing the main idea behind that particular work of art to reality in a way that will appeal to the readers and enhance their understanding of the targeted notion in the work of art presented. This process of creatively presenting the characters in a way that delivers the message requires a great deal of energy and excessive thinking, which is something not all creators of art successfully accomplish. A truly successful …show more content…

Kahf introduces a series of characters in her poem, all of which are women from Henri Matisse’s set of paintings, Les Odalisque, as a way presenting Matisse’s character indirectly. She brings the paintings to life in her poem and makes them engage in a discussion that shows their level of disappointment with the way Matisse drew them and the ignorance of the people that look at them. Through the liveliness of the characters in the poem, Kahf aimed to convey her message. She intelligently forms a rebellious discussion amongst the women in the paintings to show their dissent of the matter altogether- “We just decided enough is enough.” one of the Odalisques claimed. Given their situation, its highly expected of them to protest against their former state. Viewers of Matisse’s paintings are insensible to the women’s situation. They didn’t care about how painful it was for them to be in the painting and be judged for it and all they could say was “She must be uncomfortable in that position.” People judged them for those paintings yet they forget to judge Matisse for drawing them in the first place as one of them claims “it did no good to tell them we didn’t choose the poses we were painted in” People tend to judge the victim but never the person who brings up the matter itself, hence the idea of ignorance. “we don’t fit in anywhere it’s too late too late, with Matisse we are nothing,

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