Analysis Of Looking For The Summer By Chris Rea

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Whatever activity you’re taking part in this summer, it’s essential to have a great soundtrack to accompany it. Here are the top ten songs about summer, part two (For part one, click here.)

Number Ten: “Looking for the Summer” by Chris Rea.

“Looking for the Summer” is a song by Chris Rea, off of his 1991 album, Auberge. The song begins, “look deep into the April face / a change has clearly taken place / looking for the summer / the eyes take on a certain gaze / and leave behind the springtime days / go looking for the summer.” The song ends with, “remember, love, how it was the same / we scratched and hurt each other’s growing pains / we were looking for the summer / and still I stand this very day / with a burning wish to fly away / I’m still looking / looking for the summer.” Essentially this song seems to parallel the season of summer with freedom in all areas of life. This song has a very chill, almost sinister vibe to it. It’s perfect night-driving music.

Number Nine: “Blood Red Summer” by Coheed and Cambria. …show more content…

Lyrics include, “in a pain that buckles out your knees / could you stop this if I plead / you got it / so destined I am to walk among the dark / a child in keeping secrets from / will they know what I’ve done in the after / in the sought for matter when the words blame you / in a blood red summer I’ll give you / I don’t want it.” The chorus goes, “and when the answer that you want / is in the question that you state / come what may.” It’s hard to say what this song is about, other than it’s most likely part of the “trilogy” of albums of by the band that carries a sci-fi theme. Nonetheless, it’s a very catchy tune to jam along

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