Analysis Of King Taejong

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So my historical leader is King Taejong and my second leader is Rosa Parks, I picked King Taejong because I thought since I like the Korean culture why not do a historical Korean king? Kind of makes sense right?. There were a bunch of other options but once I read Taejong's article it really caught my attention because of the article's contents but mostly because of the title it was "King Taejong "The Warrior"". To me the first thing that comes up to mind when I see/hear the word warrior the words passionate, strong, intelligent, self disciplined, well built (mentally and appearance wise). One of the qualities I like about him is his determination, hard work and dedication. When he wants something or has something in mind he works hard to achieve …show more content…

I admire her for her desire and will for freedom each and every one of her quotes are truly inspiring but my favorites would have to be " You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right" and "The only tired I was, was tired of giving in" they both talk about never surrendering to your own word people like that really "restore …show more content…

Taejong executed or exiled many of his supporters in order to "strengthen" the royal authority. To limit influence of in-laws ,He also killed all four brothers of his Queen and his son Sejong's in-laws. Taejong was a controversal figure who killed many of his rivals and relatives to gain power and rule effectively to improve the populace's lives. Among his father Taejo's eight sons he definitely appeared to have been the most able leader, His rise to the throne was by bloody fighting with his brothers. However he proved an able monarch, and worked hard to create a strong administrative stucture for the young dynasty during eighteen years on the throne. His troubles however sound similar to a shakespearean drama because he fought his father and brothers for the

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