Analysis Of J. D. Salinger's 'Catcher In The Rye'

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To what extent is this view represented in your prescribed text and ONE text of your own choosing

“Discoveries inevitably lead to new perceptions of the world, new values and new understanding of oneself and others”

An individual’s discoveries may be cultivated through the influential events that may occur in their lives, having the powers to shift one’s perspective and identity as well as shaping an individual’s view of the world. Michael Gows Away, explores how discoveries can have an. The related text, the catcher in the rye, written. By J.D Salinger,

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Emotionally confronting discoveries have the power to shift one’s perception of the themselves and the world around them. Corals discovery of the death of her son Is the main …show more content…

Throughout the Catcher in The Rye, Holden’s discovery of his younger brother’s death causes Holden to become isolated and alienated from society as he resists any change that destroys innocence or the trueness of most people. This notion is applied as Salinger utilizes symbolism when Holden states “the best thing though in that museum was that everything always stayed right where it was, nobody’d move, nobody’d be different... the only thing that would be different would be you”. Holden illustrates himself as fearful of the future and unable to deal with change. The museum is symbolic of Holden’s quixotic mind and his fabricated world where innocence is preserved and grief and suffering is avoidable, thus, representing his idealistic vision of his desired life. This shows Holden’s inability to actuate a means of discovery. Holden’s inability to re-evaluate his unrealistic perspective of a distorted world is further reinforced when the author uses the technique of symbolism, when he misreads the line “body catch a body through the rye” and responds “I’d be the catcher in the rye and all... I know it’s crazy”. Throughout this statement, Holden pictures himself catching the children before they fall “over the cliff” into “adulthood”. Holden’s fantasies reciprocate his innocence and belief in preserving the uncorrupted, whilst also showing how disconnected he is to reality. Therefore, illustrating how the pain of past experiences may lead an individual to desire a world of simplicity rather than the convoluted world surrounding

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