Analysis Of How To Read The Bible For All Its Worth

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The book How to Read the Bible for all its Worth by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart made me see the bible in a different way. It went into detail on how we interpret the bible in different ways. In chapter one it wants he reader to see the bible and how it was meant to be written and get its core values from it. The bible was written for everyone but it was not written to everyone. Meaning the bible is accessible to everyone who wants to read it. But whether you retain this info or not is up to you. At times the bible may seem difficult but it is only like this because in the different languages it has been passed through and changed. Scripture in the bible is the word of god given in human words in history. The Bible was written …show more content…

This book in my eyes was like no other because of all themes of the bible it taught me and also made me honestly believe in the bible a lot more. The most important thing in believing in the bible is to most importantly have faith, because without faith you have nothing. This book taught me to take an orderly approach on depicting the bible in my own way to get a way better understanding. What the book stressed was two issues: historical credibility and spiritual benefit. Believe it or not, not to many people believe in the bible. The different translations also makes the bible one of the universally difficult things to understand, like what Martin Cockcroft said “ Translators want to reflect the original Greek and Hebrew as accurately as they can, but in a way that communicates clearly. It might be that one Greek word really should be translated as three English words. He also goes on to say “ "The bible has real significance. When I say the Bible is true, I 'm saying it explains life in a way tht is beyond question. The Bible says something profound about …show more content…

If you ever in your life had a doubt about the bible or even god this is the book for you. If you are not a believer you will be after reading this. This book opens new parables about the bible that could help you in the future. Fee and Stuart did a good job breaking each chapter down into specific points to make it easier for the reader to follow. Honestly not everyone will enjoy this book the same because people have different views on different things. Which is understandable because this book can be a little biased at times. But overall it is something I would definitely recommend this book to readers. This book is filled with wisdom beyond most people’s current knowledge of the

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