Analysis Of Gerard Jones's Essay Violent Media Is Good For Kids

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In Gerard Jones’ essay titled “Violent Media Is Good for Kids”, he discusses the issue of media violence kids are exposed to. He personally believes violent media is good for children and their development. While many people may argue with him on his stance, he experienced violence as a child, even though his parents tried to shield it from him, and thus it resulted in him believing violence is acceptable for children (Jones 565). His belief that violence is good for children came from Marvel Comics, particularly the Hulk (565). Jones and Melanie Moore, a psychologist, agree violence stories “… to meet their emotional and developmental needs…” (Jones 566). Jones has created a program called Power Play, to enable children to tell heroic, combative, and powerful stories. However, he does believe violence has caused some real-life violence (Jones 567). Jones said that, ‘“I am going to argue that it’s helped hundreds of people for every one it’s hurt…’” (qtd. by Jones 567). Jones thinks American society has such a huge fear of ‘“youth violence’”, it has progressively made the fear into a reality (567).
Jones is trying to convince readers that violence is acceptable for the younger generation. He could easily influence someone into believing media violence is the best for kids. I thought he did …show more content…

He used a quote from Melanie Moore about how people crave ferocious stories (566). This author used a lot of personal opinion and personal details about his own life. He did not use any concrete data and facts in his paper, which might have helped his argument. Since he is a comic book writer and has felt the effects of violence in the media, his opinions could be credible (Gerard Jones-IMDB). He also has seen personal effects in a person’s life due to media violence, so that also makes him credible. When I searched Power Play, I did not find anything on this program. He did not use any sources, and this makes this paper hard to

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