Analysis Of Donatello's Penitent Mary Magdalene

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The museum authorities put an important accent on reviving Christian tradition. One example is Donatello's Penitent Mary Magdalene. The wooden statue of a famished woman with missing evokes pity and sorrow. Mary Magdalene has lost her beauty and barely stays on her feet but her position in front of the softly illuminated Resurrection of Christ brings feelings of hope for forgiveness. The sculpture is facing the chapel and on its right one could easily see Michelangelo's Pietá. Buonarotti's sculpture illustrates Nicodemus, Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene supporting the body of Jesus. It is believed that Michelangelo depicted himself in the face of Nicodemus. There is enough distance between Mary Magdalene and Pietá which allows visitors to feel …show more content…

By using a smartphone with the Instagram application, creative young people take photos of museums' interior without the presence of any visitors. As a result, they open a new interpretation to the common museum visit: the sculptures show their breathtaking beauty in the stylish museum background. When there are many visitors, the architecture of a museum becomes less visible; the displayed artefacts cannot be fully appreciated. The movement began in 2013 when Dave Krugman was gained permission to visit the Metropolitan Museum in New York during closing hours with a group of fellow Instagrammers. The photos they made were shared in the social network and the project turned out to be very successful. Opera Duomo museum also joined the movement. In the project #EmptyDuomoFi, ten Instagram celebrities enter the museum after the opening times to take pictures of the artefacts without the interference of crowds. In that way, the participants illustrate Timothy Vardon's innovative idea of "museum within a museum". Through unusual circumstances, art evolves and opens to people willing to appreciate it. With their artistic touch, the photographers make an interactive and unconventional photo collection of the museum interior. The creative techniques and combinations open another channel of communication between art and its contemporary admirers, allowing the ideas of the Renaissance artist to be understood and

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