Analysis Of Disrupting My Comfort Zone

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The Comfortability in being Uncomfortable a Response to “Disrupting my Comfort Zone” “Disrupting My Comfort Zone” by Brian Grazer is a short story about a forty five year old man in the entertainment business, who purposely puts himself in rather difficult situations. He is constantly in search for new people to meet that can teach him something new, or challenge his previous beliefs. Grazer goes on to explain the reasoning behind his wacky behavior saying “Disrupting my comfort zone, bombarding myself with challenging and situations, this is the best way I know to keep growing” (92). In other words, Grazer feels as if he has a need to constantly be developing himself. Challenging himself in this way is the only way he knows how. Get comfortable …show more content…

I knew the choice between the two would come eventually, but I thought that it would be a much easier choice. I ended choosing to continue in wrestling, and cut my basketball career short. I soon became one of the best wrestlers in my class. I won all but a few matches throughout my junior high wrestling career. I felt like I was on top of the world. Then, high school came along and I received a rude awakening that I was no longer top dog on the wrestling team. I lost more matches that first year of highschool wrestling then I had my whole junior high career combined. I was devastated that year I thought that I would never want to wrestle again. However, when wrestling rolled around that next year I was the first in line to show …show more content…

After reading Grazer’s work, I think I have an answer. It wasn’t entirely because I didn’t want to upset my father that I quit basketball and joined wrestling, it was because I knew all I needed to know about basketball and a want for something new. I now have also come to the realization that the reason I was first to sign up that year is because deep down, I loved the challenges that wrestling brought to me. Everyday it was watch my diet, keep track of my weight, train until my lunch almost came back up, and unknowingly I enjoyed the pride I got for knowing I could endure something like wrestling and know most other people couldn't. For these reasons I understand why Grazer places himself into situations most other would steer away

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