Safe Zone Theory

2016 Words5 Pages

We, as humans, have a tendency to be fond of a place called the “safe zone”. We revert back to this invisible place in our minds seeking a feeling of comfort and familiarity. This is the place we know, the place we like to be in. When someone or something tries to disrupt this place, we try and push it out like it’s a threat to our being. Humans apply this safe zone theory to a number of areas in their lives. Their friends, hobbies, jobs, and even social activities like parties. For me, there came a time where my comfort zone was pushed out of my control and, as a result, this experience has got me where I am today with new opportunities and has set up me up a big part of my future for me. Almost every teenager aspires to get a job so they …show more content…

For a while, I contemplated not going because I was scared. I didn’t want to work at a new place or meet new people. I didn’t want to get used to driving to a new place and calculate exactly what time I need to leave my house to be on time. I stressed out that whole day, trying to come up with excuses as to why I couldn’t go. Maybe I’d tell them I was sick, or had a family emergency. But, if I wanted to be able to pay my bills and drive my car, I needed to make a change. Finally, one of the numerous places I applied called me and that was a clothing store. There’s no way, I thought, I’m not like the girls that work there. They’re all really pretty and outgoing, I wouldn’t fit in at all. However, it was the first place that wanted to hire me and the woman on the phone sounded really excited to meet me. Therefore, I called her back and set up and interview, a week from then. My voice was wavering as I agreed on a time for the interview. I’d never had an interview before. What was supposed to happen ? What was I supposed to say or do ? When the day came, I built up the courage to get in the car with my mom and drive to Blue Springs. I sat in the parking lot for probably 20 minutes because

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