Are you unhappy with your weight and looking for a healthier lifestyle? Have you ever considered going vegan? Veganism is one out of numerous types of diets to help humans have a better lifestyle. (Where to go from here?) According to Leikyn Dal Ponte’s evaluation essay “Dedicated Dieting Decisions”, this simple lifestyle change of becoming a vegan can leave you feeling energized, on top of meeting aesthetic, moral, and practical criteria which is why it is the leading approach when striving to lose weight (2017, p. 1). However, this essay will refute the main ideas discussed through aesthetic, moral, and practical criteria in her essay.
First off, Dal Ponte argues veganism helps maintain an ideal bodily figure. She said vegan diets cause
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According to “Dedicated Dieting Decisions”, the grocery stores are making it much easier for vegans to have access to purchasing organic foods to use in their diets. Although, according to the “Green & Gorgeous” blog organic foods are highly difficult to find. (Author’s name) states, whenever she goes shopping she has to cross her fingers that at least some of the produce will be local, and cross her fingers and toes that some of it will be from local farmers. (Cite) This shortage occurs because if all popular grocery stores decide to sell only certified organic produce, a large amount of people would be short on produce. (Limit amounts, only in certain grocery stores, doesn’t take into account the high prices placed on these foods) Another one of Dal Ponte’s statements is using vegan diets will help save the earth and fight back against climate change. This is true, but people need to take into consideration all the negative effects that would be placed on society if a vast amount of people became vegan. Jobs would be lost in the meat industry and those people would have to be retrained for different employment. There would also have to be another source of protein created for what is being lost from not eating meat. Overall, “Without livestock, life in certain environments would likely become impossible for some people,” Phalan says. …show more content…
She states having a vegan diet will allow time management in meal preparation. Adults that have long work hours and young kids may not have much time in between getting off work and making sure the kids get to their extra curricular activities. They don't have time to go home and prepare a meal for twenty to thirty minutes so they mostly turn to grab and go foods that are quick and easy. For example, people can run through fast food places and order three sandwiches off the dollar menu for only three dollars, so even though a vegan diet is healthier in than fast food, sadly, most people don't have enough time for the meal preparation and this way they get more food for less money. Which leads into her last point to support vegan diets because they cost less money. However, most vegans will tell you these diets are more expensive. Veggie burgers and fresh fruits and vegetables cost more than the regular turkey, hamburger or junk foods at the grocery store.Because healthier foods cost more, most Americans purchase processed foods since they are cheaper, but consuming too much processed food can cause humans to be overweight. Over 30 percent of Americans are considered overweight. (vegan diets are way more expensive as talked about with organic foods above, more food for your
People can be classified into two categories, meat eaters and non meat eaters. Meat eaters or carnivores are common in society so there has to be a tremendous amount of meat production to meet these needs. But has anyone ever thought about the amount of fuel and energy it takes to make it and how it would ultimately destroy the Earth? Many have and it revealed to them that the cost of being a vegan or vegetarian is far less than continuing their carnivorous ways. Two authors have their opinions to offer, even if they are on the same side of the argument and want to convert people to being a vegan. In “Eating Green” Margaret Lundberg states why becoming a vegan is healthy, not only for the person, but also the environment. John Vidal’s “10 Ways Vegetarianism Can Help Save the Planet”
I will first show the lack of validity and soundness to Howard’s claim that A) a vegan lifestyle is a healthier choice and B) his claim that one must switch to that lifestyle to enjoy these said benefits. To the claim made in A, Howard uses his own health problems he endured on his meat diet, and uses it as a constant variable comparing it to his now relative healthy lifestyle as a vegan. On first glance anyone who eats a calorie-laden, unbalanced diet and ends up weighing 300 pounds, as Lyman himself admitted, will have health problems regardless of his orientation to meat or vegetables. With this said his comparing analogy is inertly flawed and must be disregarded from the argument he presents. On march 8 before the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, Mary K Young, MS.,R.D,NCBA Director of Nutrition Research and Information, presented the benefits of eating meat. Using Data from the 1995 USDA Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSI) she confirms that red meat enhances one overall diet quality. Young goes on to point out that red meat is the number one source for protein, B12, and zinc, number 2 source for B6 and third greatest source for iron, niacin and potassium. She also pointed out that red meat alone has the greatest concentrates of iron and zinc together. Also included cited in Young’s report was the research recently published in the Journal of the American...
.... People do not have to become vegetarians, but people should consider other meat and food as alternatives. Ultimately, if a majority of people chose organic farms and foods it would put a heavy hit on the meat production business. People will be eating healthier, and they will be doing their healthy part in the ecosystem and that will help to lower greenhouse gas emissions and greatly improve treatment of animals. The prices of organic food just need to come down dramatically for people to buy it. Methane from liquid manure, nitrous oxide from manmade fertilizers, carbon dioxide from machines are why people have put themselves and animals into a dilemma and made it into a never-ending continuous cycle.
In the article, “Eating Green,” by Margaret Lundberg, the author states that she believes a vegetarian diet would benefit the health of our bodies as well as the health of our planet. In her thesis, she says, “I believe that our personal and global health is tightly interconnected, and what benefits one will benefit the other” (570). Lundberg’s point in this article is to share her beliefs as to why Americans should become vegetarian. She also explains how pollution, global warming, agriculture and our love for meat is killing our bodies and our future. Lundberg did not provide enough persuasive evidence as to how us becoming vegetarians or vegans would help our planet, she just gives her view
As healthy lifestyles have come to take over the minds of the general public, people have begun to pay increased attention to the food they eat, which in turn has sparked a renewal in vegetarianism. Vegetarianism is a term used to describe the practice of living on a diet consisting of nuts, grains, fruits, and vegetables, with or without the use of eggs and dairy products. People usually associate vegetarianism with the hippy movement in the 1960’s; however, it was Frances Moore Lappé's iconic book, Diet for a Small Planet, released in 1971 that launched the vegetarian movement. Since 1971 vegetarian cookbooks, restaurants, and food brands have become popular and have enticed the likings of about 7 million Americans. Unfortunately, despite the growing popularity of vegetarianism most people living on a carnivorous diet laugh at the idea of giving up meat. Although omnivores are reluctant to give up their current diets, giving the vegetarian diet a chance even for just a month or two can bring about a number of positive consequences. By adopting a vegetarian diet a person is not only...
People are unaware of the harsh effects of meats. They contain toxic fats and hormones not intended for human consumption. Each year seven million people die from cancer internationally. However, a change into a healthier diet, such as veganism, can lengthen people's lifespans. Due to the low-fat, high-fiber diet, the vegan diet has a tendency to prevent cancer. Veganism has been proven to prevent certain cancers, studies show that veganism hinders the development of cancers such as breast, cervical, ovarian, and prostate cancer. Not only does veganism prevent diseases such as cancer, it also improves one's physical and mental health. The elimination of the animal products will cause one's Body Mass Index (BMI) level to change. Fattening food consumptions of meats can cause weight gain. Therefore, the elimination of these unhealthy proteins helps with weight loss. Along with a positive body image, not supporting the inhumane slaughtering of innocent animals could ease one's conscious. However, without meat, vegans aren't able to consume the right amount of nutrients that non- vegans get. For an example, vegans do not get cobalamin (B-12) naturally because it is only in animal by products. Vegans can always take vitamins to fix this problem. Also, they do not receive a lot of calcium, vitamin D, and iron, but just like they take supplements, or eat fortified foods, as a substitute for cobalamin, is the same way they are able to fix these other problems. Not only do they find a way to fix small problems with their diet, but also with the harmful effects for humans, and the environment people live
There are a myriad of myths and misconceptions that surround the words “vegetarian” and “vegan.” One perhaps thinks that becoming vegan is synonymous with becoming weak and holier-than-thou or only consuming foods such as Tofurkey. Thankfully, this isn’t the case for the vast majority of vegans or vegetarians. For financial and health concerns, many Americans are consuming less meat and poultry; approximately one third of Americans follow a diet centered upon vegetables and whole grains, with the occasional consumption of meat. Nonetheless, meat consumption per capita is still extortionate in America—the highest per capita with the exception of Luxembourg—largely due to its ingrained nature in our economy and culture.
Every day across America millions of people wake up to start their morning. Throughout the day the vast majority of these people will consume meat, but 3% will replace the pig, cow, and chicken products for vegetable or fruit made meals (Harris). These vegetarians all have many different reasons to make this choice. This decision is a huge change in one’s life and is not without questions. Some people may wonder why would anyone abstain from the amazing food that contains meat. This essay will briefly explain the history of vegetarianism, the reasons for vegetarianism, and answer questions about vegetarianism. Vegetarian diets are all around better than diets containing meat because of three main reasons; the abuse of animals, the environmental damage, and the health benefits for humans.
Vegetarianism, or at least the idea of it, which includes everything from Lacto-ovo-vegetarian to veganism, has existed for quite a long time. There is record of people abstaining from eating meat and flesh well before the Christian Era, and although not as widely practiced it might have been easier to follow such a diet in that time in history. Veganism is the most strict and extreme version of vegetarianism; it was defined in 1944 and very similar to the way people of ancient times practiced it, but with more restrictions due to more food options and more emphasis on ethical concerns. If one was to examine veganism today they would see an extremely disputed practice in terms of what is acceptable to consume according to ethics, health ideas, and the different levels of veganism. The opposition comes from less strict vegetarians and non-vegetarians, it’s the idea that veganism is not the healthier diet to practice, but that a balanced, well rounded diet might actually be more beneficial to one’s health and longevity. More importantly the ethical claim made by people who practice vegan diets isn’t as ethically sound as it’s made out to be. This research paper will examine the different types of vegetarians, specifically people who classify themselves as vegans and raw vegans, the ideas and ethics behind their lifestyle and why they fall short of what they claim, and reasons why practicing this diet may not be the better choice.
This is actually not true. A vegan diet is no worse or better than a meat diet, it all depends on how balanced your diet is (Anisman-Reiner). Like with any diet a person has to be sure they are eating enough and receiving enough nutrients that their body needs to run. In any diet a person can have too much bad and not enough good, if a person eats too many fats and processed food they could become at risk for many health issues; a person on either a meat or vegan diet can be affected by this. What many people don’t know is that on a vegan diet a person can get all the nutrients a person can get on the traditional meat diet. One thing that many people often wonder is “Where do you get calcium if you don’t eat dairy?” A misleading fact in today’s society is that you need dairy to get calcium but this isn’t true. Countless other foods have calcium and a person on a vegan diet will eat more of these foods than a non-vegan making it easy for them to get all the calcium they need. A person who consumes 2,000 calories a day should have the equivalent of
A United Nations report states that land used for animal agriculture, both for grazing and production of crops fed to livestock, takes up an astounding 30% of land on Earth. ("Meat Production Wastes Natural Resources") To meet the industry’s demands, over 260 million acres of forest in the U.S. have been cleared to grow grain fed to farm animals. ("Meat Production Wastes Natural Resources") With that in mind, the meat industry also dumps disease-causing pathogens through animal waste that pollutes water and forces the need for waste lagoons to be constructed, which are susceptible to leaking and flooding. ("Facts about Pollution from Livestock Farms”) Scientists say that about 14% of the world’s greenhouse gases are released by said agriculture industries, which is a growing concern for climate change and global warming. (Silverman) The meat industry uses one-third of all the fossil fuels consumed in the United States. (Moore) There is no question that farming animals has a negative effect on the environment and steps should be taken to mitigate air and water pollution risks and future deforestation. If animal agriculture was phased out, land used for animal grazing could be returned to forest land and some of it converted into fields for cultivating crops for humans. A global shift toward veganism, resulting in the elimination of the meat and animal agriculture industries, would protect the environment from various detrimental effects.
Today people are concerned with what they eat in order to lose or maintain their weight. What people do not know is how their food is obtained, how veganism is beneficial to their health and what the food industry thinks of vegans. Veganism is the avoidance of any animal products particularly food. Veganism confronts the issues of animal welfare as well as dietary concerns for humans. It is an effective method to live a healthy and humane lifestyle.
...ming I will be willing to contribute in any way that I can, and becoming a vegetarian will help the environment a great deal. Becoming a vegetarian can also lead to becoming a healthier person and living a healthy lifestyle. And lastly, the way animals are killed and treated in factory farms are unethical and they should not be treated the way they are just to create a meal for the next person.Consider that the animal you are eating was a vegetarian and the meat contains all the minerals and vitamins of the plant foods it ate when you eat it. Along with fats yourbody needs in substantial amounts to stay healthy.....more on the fats later. Meat is as close to a complete meal as you can get because of this.
Every person has the ability to make their own choice of whether to eat meat or not. However, eating meat is directly tied to negative health effects, pollution leading to a depletion of ozone, and the depletion of hundreds of thousands of acres of land “wasted” on animal production when they could be used to solve the hunger crisis or lower emission levels. What humans eat is no longer a matter of choice; it has become a matter of life and death. Literally, the future of the whole planet rests on the decision of whether or not to eat meat. If humans chose to eat less meat the world that wouldn’t have to suffer the consequences (outlined above.) Vegetarianism is one possibility, as is Veganism; however the world would be
In conclusion, vegetarianism benefits many part of our life. A healthier body, a better environment, and more fair treatment of animals are all requites of becoming vegetarians. It is hard to change eating habits, but it is not impossible. There are many kinds of food that vegetarians can choose today. The taste of the non-meat food is not all bad and some of them maybe much better than imagination. It is not wise to deny being a vegetarian before trying to be. With more and more people adopting the vegetarian diet, the world will be a better place in the future: animals will be treated better; global warming will be alleviated; fewer people will be starving, and ultimately, people will be healthier and be living longer. Therefore, people should start action before it is too late.