Analysis Of David Brooks A Generation Emerging From The Wreckage

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For a Brighter Future In “A Generation Emerging From the Wreckage” by David Brooks, he expresses the progression of social change in the current generation. Through his essay he allows the general educated public to have a better understanding on the perspective of the young generations regarding all the social issues that have been taking place, and the lack of faith in governmental institutions. He also addresses that this is a generation with “diminished expectations”. Many may think that we are, in fact, a generation with diminished expectations due to the idleness and overuse of technological devices in today’s society. However, my generation’s thirst for change is what keeps us from completely turning into a generation with diminished …show more content…

The American Dream exists but is now harder to achieve and unfortunately, the defining challenge of this generation is definitely division. We are not a generation of diminished expectations. For years the rise in technological use has affected people’s views on the younger generation. The idleness and conflicts of some have set up a stereotype for all. Students in today’s generation are constantly fighting, voicing their opinion against injustices, and looking for solutions. This generation is “dedicating their lives to social change” (4). This generation has suffered a number of significant events that have marked history, and living through those events serves as a way of empowering students to take action. We’re living through a time of revolution and controversy. The opinions of this generation will be heard. For instance, we constantly see movements, protests, debates, and activists directly voicing their opinion about gun control, fascism, racial causes, among many other issues. The unity that comes with all these events is incredible. I totally disagree with the idea that we are a generation of diminished …show more content…

Divisiones the defining challenge that starts at the top and follows through, affecting everybody. Racial division, religious division, social division, economic division, these are all the causes of the effects we watch on the news every night. Although this generation has done an impeccable job coming together and unifying for bigger causes, the problems need to be cut off from the root. “‘We’re more connected but we’re more apart’” (12). We’re all apart until an unfortunate event happens and we realize how vital it is to stick together, and this is a cycle that happens over and over again. With that being said, the American Dream exists, but because of the same reasons, the American Dream is now harder than ever to achieve. Division causes people to point fingers, to judge, and put obstacles in the way so people after them won’t thrive. It is harder to achieve the famous American Dream based on equality, freedom, love and peace if those are the last things seen today. It is key for this generation to truly come together and find solutions while making the American Dream reachable to all

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