Analysis Of Dave Pelzer's A Child Called It

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Throughout the heartbreaking story “A Child Called It”, by Dave Pelzer, the readers go through one of the most severe child abuse cases in California’s history. Unknown to the author, the story also follows along with Sean Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.” The book ,“A Child Called It”, shows many resemblants to Sean Covey’s habits, such as Habit One: Be Proactive, Habit Two: Begin With The End in Mind, and Habit Three: Put First Things First.
Habit One, from Sean Covey’s informative book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens”, tells how the reader can be proactive. Covey shows this by stating that even though life has many difficulties, the reader can still focus on their own self love and happiness to change reactive actions into proactive actions. Likewise, Dave Pelzer’s “A Child Called It” explores the first habit, “Be Proactive”, through many actions and quotes throughout his …show more content…

Pelzer uses the fifth section of Habit One, “ Turn Setbacks into Triumphs”, to setback his mother and to be rewarded with fewer beatings; one example of Pelzer turning setbacks into triumphs is “To keep mother off balance, I began to ask whining questions” (p.42), this distracted his mother causing him more time to escape the beatings. In the ninth section of Covey’s novel, “Can-Do”, it proclaims that the reader can do anything they put their mind to. Pelzer uses this attitude to fight his starvation, “ After getting caught stealing other kids food, my next idea was to rip off frozen lunches” (p.63). Pelzer keeps this Can-Do attitude throughout the whole book, he states “The more mom slugged me, the more I began to realize I had won” (p.42), through this he kept the right attitude and went against his mother’s injustice. In the eighth section, “ Growing your Proactive Muscles”, it tells the reader to take charge of their own life; through Pelzer’s life he had to take charge himself, but one of the most heartbreaking examples is “ I wet the rag again and

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