Analysis Of Cybersex

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I have examined in the first response essay that for me sex would be defined as a penetration of penis into vagina, which does not have to be driven by procreation. As well as, the stimuli of pleasure which would be a key component so is the orgasm, but it would not define sex. Moreover, cybersex is defined in the reading Cybersex as “erotic and sexual pleasure experienced through cybernetic technologies and communication”, as well as “all sexual activities and experiences encountered in cyberspace.” (Stenslie 303) Cybersex has depersonalized and desensitized sexual relations between actual people offline because cybersex is related to the technology involved in the cyber-world. All technology, in my opinion, takes away from person-to-person interactions, which relates to this essays issue which states that cybersex relates to technology which gathers all to be together, although we are all apart. Cybersex works with many different technologies such as robotics with the “cyberSM” project which works in conjunction with teledildonics, artificial biological products with the vibrator and other simulators, and digital infrastructures with porn or “cyborgasm”. All these technologies in cybersex take away from human interaction because these devices and programs make a fantasy reality, satisfying peoples needs and desires. Cybersex has become available at any time and most of the technologies are free of charge, which as a result makes it easier for the general public to use. In addition, these programs and devices are in an evolutionary track in which at the beginning people may only communicate via the telegraph and now people have the capability to immerse themselves tactically as well as aurally and visually. Abounding amounts ... ... middle of paper ... feel as if this operating device has emotions and he becomes in love with the system. He is obsessed, detached from his loved ones and wanting a relationship with the operating system as if it was an actual person offline. This film’s main point intertwines with why cybersex shuts off real world interactions between actual offline people by questioning how the existence of artificial intelligence in human society might affect that society. In conclusion, cybersex gives an alluring and sexy freedom to do multiple things with ones imagination, body and creativity. An example of this freedom given in New Sexuality is “to experiment with surfaces and depths of ones desires and fantasies”. (Waskul 370) This freedom shows how people desire cybersex more than corporally intimate sex and how they desensitize and depersonalize their actual offline relationships easily.

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