Analysis Of Cranford Society

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No matter how much based on Queen Victoria’s imagery as ‘being steady and proper’, Cranford society at some point faces changes and gives in resistance to them. The gentility rules of everyday life and hierarchy to maintain the peace of the society remain incapable when time changes in the industrialized Britain and newcomers arrive in Cranford town. It is a rural town away from urban area in which the dwellers live in tranquility and in order, by following some rules. These gentility rules are determined by upper-middle class people to maintain the order in daily life and keep a distance to working class. Actually, in 18th century, they mimicked and adopted the legitimacy of aristocratic class as a model of proper behavior according to writer …show more content…

This makes other women feel uncomfortable as they don’t know whom to show support despite secretly supporting Lady Hoggins (formerly Glenmire). Confused society needs an urgent solution to this problem. And appears Peter Jenkyns to bring a solution to this. He is Miss Matty’s long time ago lost-brother. He was beaten by his father when he made a joke which the society took very seriously (Peter likes joking, but society is humorless) and left Cranford. He went to India and wasn’t seen again. When he comes back to Cranford, he wants to cheer his sister –Miss Matty- up and takes her responsibility. To cheer her, first he must find a solution to the tension between Jamiesons and Hoggins. So he plays tricks on Mrs Jamieson to make her think he loves her, so that he charms her thus becoming irresistable. He accomplishes his mission, by telling her his stories, complimenting her, he woos Mrs Jamieson. At the end he brings her and Hoggins together, and problem is solved. Even Miss Jamieson, who is very class conscious women, is defeated against her feelings and welcomes change. While she is supposed to reject Peter due to his disrespectful approach to gentility rules, and his wealth earnt with working, she still accepts him into society. So, gentility gives way to intelligence, kindness and love . On encountering those values, Cranford society revises its views on gentility and strict, illogical rules yields to

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