Analysis Of Astrophil And Stella

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The Cure to Writer’s Block:
A Reader-Response Analysis of Philip Sidney’s Astrophil and Stella

On the surface Philip Sidney’s “Astrophil and Stella” is a poem about courting a young woman. It is a common assumption and an easily justified one. The title presumes as much as the “star lover” clings to hopes of attaining the “star”. Astrophil attempts to win the heart of Stella through his poetry. Although he is not short of emotion he is in search of adequate words. The true purpose of the poem reveals itself at the end, “look in thy heart, and write” (Sidney Line 14). This sonnet is about the courting of a lover, but it is more importantly the story of numerous writers throughout time. Sidney is portraying the writer with writer’s block and the method to subjugate this voluminous evil. Every writer, at one time or another develops a case of writer’s block. A period in which it becomes difficult to express your thoughts or ideas on paper with the qualities the writer desires. Astrophil and Stella is a metaphor for the relationship between a writer and his audience, a writer and his work, a writer at battle with writer’s block.
For the reader to grasp the concept that this sonnet is about writer’s block Sidney has to cement the idea that Astrophil is a writer. In this duality, being both the star lover and writer, we begin to see Stella as a metaphor for a writer’s work and audience. Opening the sonnet with a profession of love for Stella, the object of Astrophil’s affection, he is hurt that he does not have her love. In the view of a passionate writer it is as if some critic has said that you are or your work is inadequate and without their approval. In order to gain the critics or Stella’s love he w...

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...’s argument, that readings of a text are culturally constructed. Being an English major, I am thrust into an English student’s interpretative community, which enables to see or pushes for me to look past the simplicity of a work (surface meaning) and search for a deeper meaning. Enabling me to understand gaps that implied that Stella made it known that she did not feel the way Astrophil did but she was, in the least intrigued by Astrophil, as she is the one who tells him to just say what’s in his heart. With the eyes of a college English student and writer I looked deeper to find that Sidney was portraying a writer plagued by writer’s block and the solution to counter this evil. As I have faith in my interpretation of this poem I understand that even in my attempt at being impartial I am biased. I implore you to take this into account; I looked in my heart and wrote.

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