Analysis Of Admiral William H. Mcraven

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I think Admiral William H. McRaven has a very good message which is that the little things count. He also likes to use a saying “a lot of little things, can amount into something big.” This saying truly inspires me to always try to get better, especially the little things. This chapter reminds me of things my mother says to me. He says that making your bed is very important because if you can get into a good habit you can get better at anything very quickly. An image that keeps coming in my mind is the love Admiral William H. McRaven has for his his fellow soldiers which he refers to as his brothers. He thinks of them as brothers because they have gone through tough situations together and they have always had each other’s backs. Having someone else’s back can be tough but knowing they have yours really helps and inspires them to help each other. Make Your Bed: Chapter Two …show more content…

Admiral William H. McRaven also says to make as many friends as possible because there will be a day when you need a friends help and if the friend knows you’ll do the same thing for them then he will be more motivated to help you out. He also talks about how we should never give up because if we give up then its easy to give up all the other things in life including family and friends. During his recovery time in the bed he was feeling sorry for himself but his wife completely turned that around with her “tough love”. He said without her, he wouldn’t have gotten his career back together and would’ve spent the rest of his life in bed.

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