A nurse is required to be responsible and accountable, updating their knowledge and skills continually by using professional development (NMC, 2008). This requires an understanding and awareness of what Evidence Based Practice (EBP) is. Nurses make decisions about their practice using EBP. Ways in which this can be utilized in the improvement of knowledge and practice is, for example; using established sources of evidence. (Marquis et al, 2012). Nursing practice uses a range of approaches to improve and develop patient care so as a nurse the skill of evaluating sources of evidence is necessary to do this effectively. Evidence is gathered through research. EBP consists of research, data collection and nursing research. When searching for evidence to improve your practice the range of information available is vast. A distinction must be made between evidence that is reliable under scrutiny and evidence which is unreliable. Fitzpatrick (2007) asserts that, to understand evidence based practice is to understand where to look and what credible sources of evidence are. Sources that are credible include information published by a government body or academic institution. Fitzpatrick (2007) recommends identifying key aspects of information of the source to ascertain its credibility, for example; who is the author and where did the research come from? Is the article true or false and how long has it been there? (Fitzpatrick, 2007). A journal article is scrutinised by peers and editors and publishers, whereas in contrast a piece of information on a general website could be published by any person and make any claim and may not pass scrutiny under a peer review. Databases like EBSCO for example have articles that are peer reviewed.
All resea...
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...based medicine: what it is and what it isn't. British Medical Journal. 312:71 [online] Last accessed on 13th February 2014. [Available at:] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2349778/pdf/bmj00524-0009.pdf
Sackett, D, Richardson. W, Rosenberg. W, Haynes. R. (1997) Evidence-based medicine: How to practice and teach EBM. New York, USA. Churchill Livingstone
Sacket D, Straus S, Richardson W, Rosenberg W, Haynes R (2000) Evidence-based medicine: How to practice and teach EBM. Churchill Livingstone. London, England
Tamkin, P., Pearson, G., Hirsh, W. Constable,S (2010). Exceeding Expectation: the Principles of Outstanding Leadership. London, England. The Work Foundation.
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust NHS (2012).Recognizing and responding to early signs of deterioration in hospital patients. Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust NHS. Worcester, England.
The Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model provides nurses with a system to formulate a practice question, appraise both research and non-research evidence, and to develop recommendations for practice (Dearholt & Dang, 2012). This model guides nurses through the evidence-based research process with ease and minimal difficulty using a problem solving approach.
Evidence Based Practice emerged in the late 20th century, becoming widespread in the 21st century. According to Research and Practice: The Role of Evidence-Based Program Practices in the Youth Mentoring Field ( 2009) “The concept of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) actually has its roots in the medical field, where the work of Archie Cochrane (1972) and others examined the key role that the substantial body of medical research and literature could play in how doctors make decisions in patient care” (para 6); Thus, a doctor’s decision would be an “educated” decision, based on evidence gathered (patient symptoms), history of cases they have overseen, or research of previous case diagnosed by another doctor, with a related case. Evidence Based Practices are defined as “ integration of: (a) clinical expertise/expert opinion, (b) external scientific evidence, and (c) client/patient/caregiver perspectives to provide high-quality services reflecting the interests, values, needs, and choices of the individuals we serve” (“Evidence Based Practice (EBP),” 1997-2014); often described as the “Best Practices”. The evidence itself is not the basis of decisions made, but it does help support the process of care given to our clients.
Evidence Based Practice (EBP) is useful to practice because it aids practitioners development and widens their knowledge and insight, therefore enhancing the experience of the practitioner. This ensures that the best quality of care is given to the patient (Duncan, 2006).
Evidence based practice is the basis for needed change in practice and function. It is a sound method for scientific, fact-based change. Changes which have no evidence to support them are fragile, unscientific, and subjective. These changes don’t effect real change over time, as they aren’t able to be proven to a more general population.
Davies, K. S. (2011). Formulating the evidence based practice question: A review of the frameworks. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 6(2), 75–80. Retrieved from https://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/EBLIP/article/viewFile/9741/8144
EBP is a method of finding evidence and using it in practice: as Blaney (1986) states, it is used to assess health, plan, implement, and evaluate individualized care (p.182). Finotto et al. (2013) breaks EBP down into steps as follows: Formulate a research question; find the most relevant evidence; appraise evidence; integrate evidence with clinical experience and patient values to make practical decisions; and evaluate the outcome (p.460). Carrazzone (2009) and Moch et al. (2010) argue that didactic components with EBP integrated into the education are believed to be beneficial to studen...
What is meant by evidence-based practice and how is this different from an historical standpoint.
Evidence-based practice integrates best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values for the delivery of optimal health care (qsen.org). Like most medical professions, nursing is a constantly changing field. With new studies being done and as we learn more about different diseases it is crucial for the nurse to continue to learn even after becoming an RN. Using evidence-based practice methods are a great way for nurses and other medical professionals learn new information and to stay up to date on new ways to practice that can be used to better assess
Cullum, N. Ciliska D. and R. Haynes, Marks (2008;) Evidence – based Nursing: An Introduction.
In health care, evidence-based research is crucial. Nurses revolve their practice on evidence so that they may provide the best health care. Without research, there would be no evidence to prove health care related findings (Shmidt & Brown, 2012). With appropriate
Polly Beam, J. S. (n.d.). Levy Library. Evidence Based Medicine Tutorial. 1.3 What’s Best: The Evidence Hierarchy. Retrieved April 9, 2014, from http://libguides.mssm.edu/hierarchy
Walshe,K. & Rundall,T. 2001, Evidence based management:From theory to practice in health care ,Milbank Quarterly, Vol.79, PP.429-457
One of the most essential aspects of doing a job well, no matter what job it is, is the ability to think critically about a situation. Finn (2011) defines critical thinking as “the ability and willingness to assess claims and make objective judgments on the basis of well-supported reasons and evidence rather than emotion or anecdote”. The difference between assessing a certain situation critically and assessing it without any evidence to corroborate your claims is that when you look at something critically, you are using your ability to “come up with the alternative explanations for events, think of research findings and apply new knowledge to social and personal problems” (Finn, 2011). When you can come up with other explanations using evidence, you can also create an alternative way of enhancing the situation. Critical thinking skills are especially important to nurses in a fast-paced setting. Nursing is a very demanding and rewarding field to enter into; it becomes enjoyable when you are good at it. In order to be good at their jobs, nurses need to learn the skills required to think critically and also, relate those skills to their everyday routines. This is known as evidence-based practice. Evidence-based practice is defined as “using the best scientific evidence available to guide clinical decisions and interventions with the goals of fostering self-management skills and improving health outcomes” (Miller, 2011). This paper examines the skills required for critical thinking, how to learn these skills, and how to apply them in clinical settings. (Miller, 2011; Finn, 2011; Noonan, 2011; Lunney, 2010; Wangensteen, Johansson, Bjorkstrom & Nordstrom, 2010; Chitty & Black, 2011).
The importance of Evidence-Based Practice is to ensure the best possible care is provided for patients. Evidence-Based Practice functions by measuring the effectiveness of a treatment and differentiating findings between high-quality and low-quality. It also helps with health development and improves the reliability and facilitates students to become reflecti...
As Dr. David Sackett put it, ‘evidence-based medicine (EBM) is the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients’ (White, 2004). The practice of EBM involves integrating clinical expertise of each clinician with sound and reputable clinical guidelines established based on high quality clinical research. Largely, EBM consists of three components of clinical expertise, patients’ values and preferences, and sound clinical evidence to support decision making process in caring for patients. As the British Medical Journal calls EMB as one of the greatest breakthroughs in medicine, it has replaced the previous model of expert-based medicine and brought a dramatic change