An Egalitarian Society In Harrison Bergeron, By Kurt Vonnegut

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The short story Harrison BERGERON is written by Kurt Vonnegut. This work of science fiction is a satire about an egalitarian society in the future where the government has made amendments to the United States constitution, so that everyone is equal. The force equality is enforced by United States Handicapper General by a woman named Diana Moon Glampers. People who are beautiful are forced to wear ugly masks to hide their beauty. Those who are strong and athletic are forced to wear heavy bags that are filled with lead balls to make them weaker. People with above average intelligence are forced to wear transponders which send signals with sharp noises to distract them and keep them in line with the rest of the people. George Bergeron is one of those individuals who wears such transponders and also carries a heavy bag around his neck because he is more intelligent and stronger than his wife Hazel Bergeron. Hazel is person of below average intelligence, but a very kind and loving wife. The couple has a fourteen year old son, Harrison Bergeron, who is in jail. He tried to overthrow the government because he disagrees with egalitarianism policies. Harrison is above average in every aspect, he is a very intelligent, seven feet tall, extremely good looking and very athletic. George doesn’t remember too much of him because his memory has been destroyed by the continual barrage of noises from the transponder. The couple was watching ballerinas dancing on television when the show was interrupted with an announcement. Harrison has escaped from the prison and the government pronounced
The conflict is external because forced equality is infringed on people by the hands of a brutal government. People seem helpless and they don’t have any control over the situation since they are mentally and physically handicapped to fight the tyranny. Anyone who rises up faces jail time or death, as this happens in case of Harrison

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