An Analysis Of Call Me Crazy But I Have To Be Myself

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Would You Tell People Your Fears?

If you had a fear only you could understand would you tell people? Would you think other people would find it silly? Fear is something everyone has, Mary Seymour writes about her fears of sharing personal information in her story “Call Me Crazy But I Have To Be Myself.”I also have fears that have stopped me from being myself. It takes a long road to recovery from fears to get where you want to be. In the reading “ Call Me Crazy, But I have to Be Myself”.Mary Seymour shares her story of with living in fear with a mental Illness. She states that having a “normal life” is a balancing act. (130) (p131). She wants people to know who she really is but she is afraid it will scare the bejesus out …show more content…

I affected by what people have thought of me. I let the fear of one person in high school keep me from doing what I loved which is theater. I was afraid of Kayla because I was bullied by her. In 8th grade I was afraid to speak out because I thought I was wrong. During presentations three guys who thought they were “all that” the “jock type” the muscular guys who thought they could get any girl were mean to me. They probably had to be mean on the outside to hide some hurt on the inside. They would call me names and throw spitballs when the teacher was not looking .I looked around the room and saw the kids faces all laughing. I couldn’t speak after that. I felt like I had a lump in my throat that was preventing me to talk. After that day I felt like a ghost wandering the halls, that everyone ignored. I felt that everyone was out trying to get me for something I didn’t do. I was an easy target. I was too sensitive. I was self conscious about my body. People where telling me I was fat, I wasn’t pretty, I will never get a guy because I was a “looking like a …show more content…

In Junior and Senior year I was put into a alternative education class so it would be easier for me to speak and I wouldn 't have anxiety. That decision was the best decision. There were 8 kids in the class instead of 35. It got easier and easier for me to speak. I can now voice my own opinion but still be afraid. I don’t really care if people are quirky and I have my flaws. People who truly care about me will look past them. I now help people who are struggling with the same things I went through, because I know what is was like and I don’t want them to go throw the pain and suffering I went through. I try to help others overcome fear of judgment like I had to

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