An Abomination in WWII

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An Abomination in WWII When you here the words ‘human experimentation‘, you think lab coats, mad scientists, and monsters like Frankenstein. But the reality of it is much more gruesome. People just like you and me were used like guinea pigs. In many cultures, a doctor is thought of as a healer; a person who lives to save others. That was not the case of the physicians that severed for the labor camps in Poland. Human experimentation is sadly a horrific thing of our world’s past and is most commonly related to in the stories of testing taking place in Nazis concentration camps of World War Two. Nazis doctors took innocent people and performed grueling experiments on them for three specific reasons (United States Holocaust Museum). A person’s body can only withstand so much in extreme conditions. One of the top priorities for Nazis doctors was seeing how far you can push your body to the limit (United States Holocaust Museum). While Hitler attempted to take over the world, thousands of his troops were sent all over Europe in many severe environments. So scientists decided to test the endurence of the human body to see if they could send the Nazis soldiers any farther using inmates of the camps as subjects. Many of these experiments tested things like how long a person could fight off hypothermia (United States Holocaust Museum). A very notorious doctor for this kind of “treatment” is Doctor Herta Oberheuser who would cut a child’s limbs to simulate battle wounds ( Oberheuser would then rub things like saw dust, glass, or wood to make the cuts seem more like sores you might get in combat ( After words, she would try to find ways to heal the deep and grimy cuts effectively ( Experiments lik... ... middle of paper ... ...other group of helpless individuals. Human experimentation in Nazis labor camps is a devastating part of our history and will always be remembered in one way or another. Next time you are watching a movie or reading a book about experimenting on humans, remember that it was real and actually happened to hundreds of innocent people in the midst of World War Two. Work Cited “Medical Experments” McCune, L.. N.p.. Web. 21 Nov 2013. projects/04_mccune_medical-experiments.htm. “Nazis Medical Experiments” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Unites States Holocaust Memorial Museum, William P .. N.p.. Web. 18 Nov 2013. “The Nazis Doctors” Bulow, L.. N.p.. Web. 21 Nov 2013.

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