Amir's Father In 'The Kite Runner'

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In the story, The Kite Runner, Amir had always felt that his father did not love him. He is unaware of why his father is so distant from him, and acts as though he is not proud of his son. Amir, more than anything, seeks his father’s approval and love. The origin of this conflict is a great secret that his father withholds from Amir. It affects his father’s attitude, as well as their relationship, and is eventually resolved when the truth is at last revealed, and Amir is able to find closure. Amir’s father’s attitude towards Amir led him to think that his own father did not love him. One of the reasons he felt this way was because he was very distant from his son. They weren’t very similar, and did not share many interests. For example, Amir’s father wanted him to be a soccer player, but Amir never amounted to anything in his soccer career …show more content…

This secret was, that Baba was both Amir’s father and Hassan’s father. Amir’s father was so distant from him because he felt guilty for having one son living a luxurious life, while the other lived as a servant. He loved both sons equally, but could never reveal his life-altering secret. Something that contributed to the conflict was that Amir felt jealous of Hassan’s relationship with his father. For example, Baba took both boys to skip stones, and when Hassan’s skipped more times, Baba put his arm around Hassan and praised him. Another example of Amir’s jealousy occurred when Amir asked his father about replacing Hassan and his “father” as servants. Baba was outraged at Amir’s suggestion. “‘Hassan’s not going anywhere,’ he’d barked. He’s staying right here where he belongs. This is his home and we’re his family” (Hosseini 225). Amir’s father also never forgot Hassan’s birthday, and arranged for him to get his cleft lip fixed, which added to the conflict by creating more jealousy within

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