America's Isolationism in the 20th Century

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America's Isolationism in the 20th Century

Whether America followed Isolationism depends on how isolationism is

described, either pejorative or descriptive. The insulting description

could mean a complete cut off from the rest of the world, like

Tokugawa Japan did, who ceased all trade, cultural and religious

contacts with the rest of the world. The neutral description, quoted

from Thomas Jefferson in 1801,

"peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling

alliances with none"

America combined this statement with the concepts of, avoiding

permanent political and military commitments to foreign countries,

particularly in Europe; this version does not exclude military

intervention, in Latin America or Asia and included economic


America could never be fully closed to the world, America is a country

with a population made up of a multi-cultural collection of

immigrants, and America had trade links with the majority of the

world, importing and exporting raw materials or man-made goods. If

America wanted to be full isolationist it could; the large US

territory was rich in raw materials and had its own producers of foods

and other products needed to survive, they could have cut off all

trade with the rest of the world, but this was not in Americas best


In 1900 America was mainly isolationist except it still needed to

trade with the rest of the world. The Spanish - American war had ended

and America proved to be a 'world power'. This war was one of many

that were just 'temporary aberrations' from isolationism.

World War One was a 'temporary aberration'. Towards the end of the war


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...e organisations was a permanent commitment to them, directly

against isolationism.

Two smaller wars, part of the larger scale war, were in Korea and

Vietnam proved there was a complete break in America isolationism.

Vietnam was a full war with no strong interest for America, they lost

in the end.

During the 20th century America tried to maintain an isolationist

foreign policy. It experienced a few 'temporary aberrations' from

isolationism during this time as it tried to defend its interests in

Europe. The last break in Isolationism was caused by the Cold War,

starting in 1945 when America when America got fully involved with

'entangling alliances'.

The most isolationist decade would be the 1930's, when America was in

chaos and needed all concentration on internal affairs instead of

European or World ones.

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