Isolationism In Ww2

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Many Americans going into WWII still didn’t want to join the fight because they were isolationists and didn’t see what was happening as our problem. After the war when the Soviet Union and the US went head to head competing to influence people with their way of life some sought after the other side. Isolationists could have felt betrayed in regards to if the US really valued their perspective. Also the lower class may have felt betrayed just in general and could have sympathised with the communists just to try something new. The US really didn’t want anyone who could have questioned our government which is things like the House Un-American Activities Committee was around. People also saw some Hollywood stars who had people's attention to be sympathisers with the Soviets. The Soviets really targeted the lower class/isolationists, Hollywood, and Government officials. As discussed throughout the year whenever a rising power wants control they target the common man. So it would make sense for the communists to focus on the neglected in the US during this period. Since they wanted to infiltrate our government and turn it to favor the Russians, they were looking for any support to help get them there. So isolationists could have been a target here as well as the poor because …show more content…

This is where the House Un-American Activities Committee came in. They had a whole Hollywood blacklist bashing many actors and actresses and even people who worked on the sets. Wartime films were even being viewed as pro-Soviet because no one could be trusted. That’s when anti-soviet movies started to get pumped out to sway people that were right. Eventually 300 artists would join the Hollywood blacklist which caused many to change their names or leave to the US to find work. Not many were fortunate enough to rebuild their careers after being put on this

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