American History: Our Hope For The Future

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American History: Our Hope For The Future Hopes, and dreams are a part of all of our daily lives as human beings. Have you ever wanted to reach for the stars, or to witness change that is Hope. With this power though you need to stay determined hold onto them, and make those dreams come true. This is the true meaning of our hopes, and our dreams. The hope that we will be protected, and watched over is thanks to our protectors who have made our past, present, and future protection possible. When we as people know our rights, and freedoms are protected we become a unified people under our constitution. Thanks to our ability to work together, and form a force to protect our people we can be unified. This is all thanks to our constant vigilance and awareness that has made our current position possible. The hope that one day we will be capable to produce for the entirety of our people by ourselves in a self sustaining country is a welcome hope. “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” Albert Einstein. In a perfect future we the people will have a way to be completely self sustainable in our way of life. Our life as people of the united states is great, but imagine if we were a completely self sustained country. The hope of we as a people could be able to sustain our country without aid is an amazing thought. …show more content…

A place where we as a people stand united under one flag as a nation. “Our flag honors those who have fought to protect it, and is a reminder of the sacrifice of our nation's founders and heroes. As the ultimate icon of America's storied history, the Stars and Stripes represents the very best of this nation.” A quote by Joe Barton. This beautiful society needs hopes, and dreams to survive. To this hope that we as a people may one day experience complete, and utter peace is a dream that many of the people have still to this

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