American Beauty

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In the movie American Beauty, nearly every character shows symptoms for a psychological disorder.
Jane, the daughter, is uneasy throughout the whole movie by the constant arguing going on between her parents and also her father’s lust towards her best friend. She has unpredictable mood swings that cause her to lash out at her parents unfailingly. Even just being in the same room as her father is triggering to Jane. She is also impulsive. This is proven in the scene in which her boyfriend asked her if she wanted to run away with him and she immediately accepts without thinking through the consequences. She admits to her boyfriend near the end of the movie that her father has caused massive psychological damage on her, and although she does not explain why, it can be inferred that the reasoning is because he has neglected her for a large portion of her teenage years and also because he is sexually attracted to her sixteen year old best friend, Angela. With these symptoms, it can be assumed that she has borderline personality disorder.
Angela also happens to have a psychological disorder than can most closely be classified as histrionic personality disorder. The symptoms for histrionic personality disorder are excessive emotionality, attention-seeking behavior, excessive need for approval, and inappropriately seductive behavior. These are all evident throughout the movie by her actions towards Jane’s father, Lester. Angela flirts with Lester every time they meet, she brags to her classmates that she has had sexual relations with multiple older men, she loves attention, and she treats those who do not think highly of her very poorly to get revenge.
Angela also seems to have narcissistic personality disorder. She believes that she is...

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The portrayal of each disorder within these characters is highly accurate, but with a few flaws. Borderline personality disorder usually causes people to have extremely self-destructive behaviors. Jane is not self-destructive, but I believe that if the movie would have lasted longer or if her father would not have ended up dying in the end then she would have become self-destructive. Regardless, this simple lack of a symptom does not mean she has an absence of borderline personality disorder. The same goes for Ricky. One of the symptoms for schizoid personality disorder is the lack of long-term relationships, but the movie did not show if Jane and Ricky stayed together so this is unknown. Also, schizotypical personality disorder is sometimes a precursor to schizophrenia, but this is also not shown in the movie. As for Angela, her symptoms are highly accurate.

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