America Greatest Country

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The video, "What Makes America the Greatest Country in the World?" (from The Newsroom), begins by bringing up the statement that has been repeated over in over throughout the years, which is, "America is the greatest country in the world". Many Americans seem to believe that they are in the best country because of the same reasons that the video shows. Those being; diversity, opportunities, and freedom. In the video they managed to go against that, in a way, by bringing up the fact that other countries have those things as well, what makes America any better? It is more than fair to agree with the main character who disagreed on America being the greatest country in the world. He pointed out the fact that there is no actual statement that proves …show more content…

If the information is not easily accessible, the people should go out of their way and do the research. It might not seem very appealing to a lot of the young audience and perhaps not even the older audience who does not keep in touch with new technology, but it is important. Scrolling through memes is not enough, they need to read actual articles and look at videos of what was actually being said. Most social media is viewed and filtered by young people who just want to attack a certain party even if that party has some valuable points. Looking at just Facebook or Instagram posts are not going to give out the actual context most of the time. It is like a game of telephone where people repeat a phrase and at the end of the game, they are left with a crazy statement that does not really make sense. A lot of people would rather stay away from politics because they believe that it does not affect them, but it does. Perhaps not this instant, but in the long run. Politics are everywhere and complaining about our current situation without effort in changing it is the same as just sitting around and letting the damage be done. Continuing the way that the citizens and politicians are acting is just going to take them and every citizen down with them. Every American citizen is being governed, like it or not, and it is the people's job to try to understand what is being done to them, what

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