Amarula Gold: A Model Of Marketing

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Question 1
Marketing communication is vitally important and it needs to persuade someone, the consumer, to buy a certain product or service. Amarula wants to introduce a new product and will have to use a model of communication. AIDA is one such model. It stands for attention, interest, desire and action. AIDA proposes that consumers respond to a marketing message in a cognitive (thinking), affective (liking) and conative (doing) sequence. This means that Amarula will have to follow this process to ensure people buy their new product. Amarula Gold is a new product they have lauched.
At this stage the marketers need to make the consumer aware of the new product. The marketers need to isolate the target market to which they want to sell the product to. In the case of Amarula there target market is not only locale people in South Africa but they also have a huge international market. This target market includes places like Canada, Brazil, Germany and many others. The marketers need to create a unique concept to grab the attention of the consumer. In Amarula’s case they do this by creating an atmosphere using icons like elephants, the marula tree and African sunsets. The atmosphere then allows them to show off their product by means of a story. This is the process where Amarula give more information about the product. Giving the consumer more knowledge and this gets them to think about the product. They can convey this message via different media’s such as advertisements on TV and printed advertisements in magazines and newspapers. They are also able to show off the new product at liquor conventions, food shows and other shows that allow the target market they want to reach to taste and see the product. This all ne...

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... was to formalise many the non-profit projects that they had going on. This non-profit establishment can benefit Amarula as a marketing strategy. Cause-related marketing. This is where a company partners with a non-profit organisation to market both brands better. The Non-profit organisation benefits from the funds and exposure of their specific cause whereas the company benefits from a good public image and increased sales. This isn’t the same as the company just giving the Non-profit money but is more for mutual advantage. Amarula have funded various projects such as an elephant research programme, community improvement project and an Amarula scholarship programme. Since there product comes almost entirely from the wild there is a need to give and help the environment where possible. The slogan for the trust is “Sustaining communities and conscious conservation”.

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