Alopecia Research Paper

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Alopecia is a medical term for baldness. It is an autoimmune disease whereby the individual's own immune system attacks hair follicles for an unknown reason and disrupts normal hair formation, usually on the scalp. When this happens the persons hair starts to fall out. In rare occasions the person loses all of the hair on his or her head what is known as alopecia areata totalis or on the entire body known as alopecia areata universalis.
Both genders can develop alopecia but the chances are slightly greater when you have a relative with this disease .in addition, alopecia occurs more often when the person has a family member with autoimmune disorders such as diabetes, lupus or thyroid disease. This is due to genetics that can trigger this autoimmune disease.


o Alopecia Areata (AA): Hair loss occurring in patches anywhere on the body. o Alopecia Totalis (AT): Total hair loss on the scalp. o Alopecia Universalis (AU): Total loss of all hair on the entire body. o Alopecia Barbae: Loss of facial hair. o Alopecia Mucinosa: A type of alopecia which results in scaly patches. o Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA): The thinning of hair to an almost transparent state, in either men or women. o Traction Alopecia: It is the excessive pulling or tension on the hair due to certain hair styles. Prolonged traction alopecia can stop new hair follicles developing and lead to permanent hair loss. o Anagen Effluvium: Hair loss caused by chemicals such as those used to treat cancer. Scarring Alopecia: A form of alopecia which leaves scarring on the area of hair loss.

SYMPTOMS o One or more bald patch to appear on the scalp o It is usually round in shape o Has the size of a large coin o Develops very quickly o The scalp usually looks...

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...tar like substance that is applied on to the skin and leaves it on for a few minutes. It is then washed off to prevent the skin from getting irritated. o Diphencyprone (DPCP): This medicine is applied on the bald skin. This medicine causes a small allergic reaction. A reaction will then occur causing the skin to be red, swollen and itchy. Dermatologists believe that this allergic reaction will trigger the immune system, causing it to send white blood cells to the surface of the scalp. The white blood cells will fight off the inflammation. It also prevents the hair follicles to sleep as well as the hair loss. It can take up to 3 months for the hair to start re-grow.
Researchers are working to improve the treatment of alopecia areata by exploring other medicines that work on the patient’s immune system. They also are looking at lasers and other light-based therapies.

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