Dermatology And Dermal Therapies

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The Beauty Industry being such a wide market of services and products include providing for the care of our skin, hair, selling of perfumes and cosmetics (“What is the Beauty Industry?”2014) and now developing more extensively into basic cosmetic surgery and treatments, now gives society a big opportunity to pamper and nourish themselves in more extensive ways. Throughout this essay, the branches of dermatology and dermal therapies will be explained; common skin disorders and specifically a treatment called ‘Ultrasonic Peeling’ and how it can potentially help with skin disorders imposed today will be explored and described in detail. After the investigation of what Ultrasonic Peeling is and how it works, I will also state my opinion on how well I think the treatment benefits its users, give my evaluation if I would consider using it, what I think the positives and negatives are and in scenario, assess whether it is a treatment that more salons should consider offering.

The first known use of dermatology was established in 1819 and only in the 1930’s did its practice become more widely accomplished, known and sought after. (“Dermatology” 2014) Since then it has extensively evolved and changed and been able to provide services for women and men around the world. Originally being a part of the medicine field can now be considered a division of the beauty industry due to availability of services and treatments for aesthetic, pampering purposes, rather than just originally founded for medical issues of resolving skin disorders and diseases. Dermatology being defined as ‘a branch of medicine dealing with the skin, its structure, functions and diseases’ (“Dermatology” 2014) now offers many professions one being a dermatologist, whic...

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...ld last for up to 1 week but vary from client to client and depending on what the clients desired outcome is. Clients with oily, acne prone skin types should maintain regular treatments of 1 to 2 times weekly and eventually once a week to maintain and prevent further acne and for sanitizing the skin. Other clients with mature skin should maintain a regular treatment of once weekly to maintain plumpness in the skin and to help with the appearance with fine lines and wrinkles. Anyone can have this treatment as desired as it is known for its relaxing properties as well.
What are the contraindications?
People with cancer, cardio- vascular diseases, neuralgia and acute skin diseases, such as dermatitis are all prohibited from this treatment. People who have also undergone recent surgery cannot have ultrasonic peeling on the area, including Botox and dermal fillers.

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