Allergic Strategies Research Paper

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Allergies and Minor Allergic Reactions: Here at One Health Center we provide effective treatments for seasonal allergies. Our expert staff can help address the most common allergy symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, headaches, rashes, nasal congestion, and more. From simple antihistamines to more powerful medication, we can help with all your allergic concerns.

Arthritis: While Arthritis cannot be cured, we offer treatment and physical therapy to help reduce symptoms and improve quality of life. Arthritis is very common and one of the many ailments we can help alleviate at One Health Center.

Asthma: One Health Center offers quick and effective urgent care for children and adults with chronic and seasonal asthmas. Whether it be mild asthma …show more content…

While it’s a less common form of sore throat, strep throat is caused by bacterial infection and is typically more common among children. If you are experiencing any of these following symptoms stop by One Health Center for a diagnosis and treatment: Scratchy or irritated throat, difficulty swallowing, increased irritation when talking or swallowing, swollen glands, swollen tonsils, hoarseness.


UTI: Urinary tract infection is an infection that inhabits any part of the urinary system, the kidney, bladder, or urethra. At One Health Center, we provide patients with fast, effective UTI treatment. Symptoms of a UTI include pain in the lower abdomen, pain while urinating, blood in the urine, frequent urination, general fatigue, fever.

Broken Bones: Here at One Health Center we are equipped with x-ray systems and have the resources to stabilize and splint broken fingers, toes, and other mild fractures. Symptoms of broken bones are swelling, bruising, bleeding, intense pain when pressure is applied, numbness, tingling, limited mobility of the limb, and the limb noticeably out of …show more content…

If you’re experiencing these kinds of symptoms it’s possible you’re suffering from a sprain. If you have these symptoms and have muscle spasms, and/or muscle weakness then you may have a strain. Whether it’s a minor strain or a painful sprain, we can help cure the problem so you can get back to your life.

Open wound: A open wound is an injury involved in external an external or internal break in body tissue, usually involving the skin. A laceration is a deep cut or tearing of the skin. In the case of deep lacerations, the bleeding can be rapid and extensive. There are different techniques we use to help treat open wounds depending on the severity. If your wound is deeper than ½ inch and the bleeding doesn’t stop with direct pressure or the bleeding lasts longer than 20 minutes, stop by One Health Center so we can take care of your wound.

Abrasion: An abrasion is a type of open wound. Abrasions are very common injuries and can range from mild to severe. It’s important to treat the wound right away to reduce the risk of scarring. Abrasions have a high risk of infections. If you have any of the following symptoms seek help at One Health Center to treat the infection: a wound that won’t heal, painful and irritated skin, foul-smelling discharge from the wound, green, yellow, or brown pus, a fever that lasts longer than four

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