Allegory Of The Cave Summary

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In the “Allegory of the Cave,” Plato talks about prisoners who are held prisoners since their childhood. These prisoners don’t know anything they are not allowed to move the only thing they can see are the shadows of objects that are reflected by the fire. In this essay Plato is comparing us to the prisoners that are held in the cave and in order to get out of the cave is through education. If we don’t get educated we would never comprehend the real meaning of the things, we would be like the prisoners that thought the shadows were the real truth. Summarizing all this information I can say that the author main claim is the effect education has on oneself. In the next paragraphs, I’m going to talk about how everyone is already born with the …show more content…

If you allow yourself to become educated it is not only beneficial to yourself but also to other people and to the world. Like Plato says in the essay that if the prisoner who was let free comes back to the cave with the real truth of the world he would tell the others prisoners that the shadows are not the real truth. By receiving an education you are now able to see the world for what it really is. We don’t want to be all locked away in our own heads, where we can’t understand the real meanings of things, everyone should want to be educated.
Lastly, getting an education allow us to comprehend the reasons of nature and the purpose of it. like Plato says in his essay about the prisoner who understood that the sun is the real reason, why there is life on this planet. We want to be like this prisoner that comprehend the real meanings of the sun by just seeing him. If we think more deeply we would understand many things that we don’t get like why seasons occur each year. The only way to respond this kind of questions is by feeding our mind with knowledge. We have to use education as an effective tool rather than keeping our minds in a

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