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World War I was a very deadly war with over 100 million human casualties(deaths plus injured). Therefore war is a very transformative event for humanity, because it always affects individuals, societies, and even the world in a pessimistic way. In the novel “All Quiet on the western front” by Erich Maria Remarque paul the protagonist just stabbed a french soldier that jumped into the same hole as paul because, they were under fire and is regretting it when he said, ¨Comrade I did not want to kill you. If you jumped in here again, i would not do it, but you were only an idea to me before, an abstraction that lived in my mind. ¨When paul said, ¨Comrade I did not want to kill you.¨ it is ironic because the french soldier was Paul 's enemy and …show more content…
So he saw saw how war affected everyone because his job in the was was to carry the injured to get help. He saw what happened to everyone. So when he said “humanity I love you” it is ironic because at the end of the poem he said “humanity I hate you” which is a more accurate description of his feeling towards all of humanity, so what he means with this quote is that the governing leaders or every power are putting people 's lives in their pockets and then not caring so they sent them off to die in the war (WWI) because over 14 million soldiers died. They sat down and forgot that their are people dieing so they can sit down and drink tea. Just like Kat said “Give 'em all the same grub and all the same pay/And the war would be over and done in a day." (Chapter 3, pg. 41) if everyone got paid the same and everyone did their part then the war would be over a lot faster. Furthermore in Russia (when it was called the Soviet Union) Vladimir Lenin said, “Hundreds of billions of capital have been invested… bringing death, hunger, ruin... to the peoples.” This shows that the world was put into a crisis because of the “criminal war”. which …show more content…
Then, he said, “in order to give us the weapons of instinct” as to say all the pain was worth it just so that they could survive. Later, he said, “It has reinforced us with dullness” that the pain had made them a shell of dullness that can protect them from all mental pain. After, he said, “so that we do not go to pieces before the horror” witch means so they don 't go insane from all the horrors of war. Finally,, he states, “which would overwhelm us if we had clear, conscious thoughts.” if they had their conscious thought that they had a civilians they would of died along time ago. Also, in WWI there were more than 14 million deaths and over 100 million casualty (injures plus deaths) all of these humans came from societies all over the world. They came from families that lived in societies. Almost all the comrades that a soldier had were friends from home and there were 14 million deaths. All those deaths hurt society 's because all the
Paul states, “We have almost grown accustomed to it; war is the cause of death like cancer and tuberculosis, like influenza and dysentery. The deaths are merely
Events are the basis on which the audience is given a comprehensive insight into a society. They highlight what the population’s perceptions are and contribute to displaying certain themes. In the novel All Quiet on the Western Front, written by the esteemed Erich Maria Remarque, an insight unlike other books, of the war genre, is given. This novel is an accurate representation of the actuality of war. How lives are seen as dispensable and how the soldiers are emotionally and physically destroyed by it. Through these events the theme of the hypocrisy of the elder generation arises, as a constituent of this society. Specifically in this novel Kantorek, a school master, is the epitome of hypocrisy. Paul recalls his words this from his current
He tried to portray the world through the terms of compassion and hope, but at the same time “he was profoundly disturbed by the brutality of totalitarianism and the savagery of war,”
There is lots of examples of disillusion in the book All Quiet On The Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. The war was told to be great and grand but that is disillusion. The definition of Disillusion is disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be. The german army needed the civilians to want to go to war.
While Paul and his comrades fight on the front lines, Paul narrates, “We have become wild beasts...It is not against men that we fling our bombs, what do we know of men in this moment when Death is hunting us down.” (Remarque 113). “Beasts” are known to rely and live by survival, and the connotation of the word “beast” implies a sense of savagery and barbarity. This prioritization of pure survival for Paul, simply being a “beast”, then neglects other humanizing proponents. These proponents include emotions of shame and guilt because of the deaths of these enemy soldiers. This neglect follows up with, “what do we know of men in this moment when Death is hunting us down.” The personification of death in this quote paints it as a physical threat within that moment. During the previous portion of the quote, “what do we know of men” is truly where the disconnect between the soldiers’ sense of humanity and their need to survive occurs as a juxtaposition between the enemy soldiers and death itself. One is viewed as frivolous and insignificant, “men” are human-beings that one can feel an emotional connection towards. However, “death” is a dire threat within that moment. They must view these individuals as nothing but obstacles and enemies to be overcome. The shame and guilt of taking
Throughout their lives, people must deal with the horrific and violent side of humanity. The side of humanity is shown through the act of war. This is shown in Erich Remarque’s novel, “All Quiet on the Western Front”. War is by far the most horrible thing that the human race has to go through. The participants in the war suffer irreversible damage by the atrocities they witness and the things they go through.
Many soldiers feel guilty from their actions in war and therefore reject their heroism. As a soldier in battle it is inevitable that one has to kill another this is one of many factors that causes a soldier to feel guilt. In a World War II poem, The Liberators by H.R. Hays, Hays expresses the emotions felt when a soldier goes through battle, “Pierced the child in the mother: Pierced the seed unsown”(Hays p.1). In this quote the author clearly describes the taking away of human life but then in the next
The author's main theme centers not only on the loss of innocence experienced by Paul and his comrades, but the loss of an entire generation to the war. Paul may be a German, but he may just as easily be French, English, or American. The soldiers of all nations watched their co...
In chapter nine of All Quiet on the Western Front, Remarque uses ironic diction and metaphors to demonstrate how throughout the war there are many experiences that cause a soldier to lose his innocence but none like killing someone with one’s own hands and having to live with that fact for the rest of one’s days. While on patrol, Paul Baumer hides in a shell hole for safety. Moments later a soldier from the enemy side jumps into the shell hole. Automatically, fearing for his life, Paul stabs the man in the chest, killing him. Paul finds the man’s pocketbook and reads it, “but each word [he] translate[s] pierces [him] like a shot in the chest --like a stab in the chest” (Remarque 30). The word pierces connotes a strong and painful feeling that
Vernon Kroft once said, “War changes everything. The world is never the same after a war. Any war. There are holes… missing parts… The best you can do is pick up the pieces that are left and start to build again. It’ll never be the way it was before.” War is detrimental to the world and leaves it in shambles. Nothing escapes the terror that war strikes in the world. In Erich Maria Remarque 's book All Quiet on the Western Front the ramifications caused by World War I become detrimental to nature. Paul Bäumer, a German soldier, experiences the horror because of the war and he realizes that the natural world is disastrously affected. Throughout the story nature condemns war and its malicious acts. The repetition of nature as a motif portrays war as vile. Through Paul 's experiences he comes to
By and large war is the enemy itself as it causes men to rearrange their mindset and tests their mental capacity. A traumatic event at the very least war takes men and molds them into beings with more animal instinct than human inclination. Remarque's novel All quiet on the western front perfectly demonstrates how war can affect a man's psyche when tested give a kill or be killed ultimatum. Without the help of carnage imagery and unique symbols the themes
World War I is known as a war that occurred on extremely cruel terms; there were not many restrictions on what and when certain weapons could be used. Unfortunately, the Industrial Age brought with it many new ways to kill; the soldiers of World War I came in contact with many new weapons that they had never seen in combat.
There are often misleading glorified ideas told to people when they first join the war. They are told they will be seen as strong, brave, and somehow immortal. It is seen as a great honor to serve one’s country during war but not everything is as it seems. The gruesome reality of war is often times unacknowledged when recruiting new people. Wilfred Owen’s poem “Dulce est Decorum et” paints a horrific image of the blood-shed and horror behind war. Owen uses his personal traumas to illustrate the graphic image that is undisclosed when people first join. Thomas Hardy’s poem “The Man He Killed” tells of one man’s experience of killing a man and living with the consequences afterwards. The speaker is forced to attempt to justify his actions to himself.
World War 1 was called “The Great War”, “The war to end all wars”, and “The first modern war”. It had many causes and a few repercussions and I will describe them in detail.
In incredibly stressful situations, human’s instinctive state is needed to help a person survive. In other words, the emotions that people develop are too much of a burden. To rid themselves of this burden helps one stay alive. This is because one’s instinct validates dissolute and violent actions, such as the actions seen in wars. As said by Paul in All Quiet on the Western Front, “We want to live at any price; so we cannot burden ourselves with feelings which, though they may be ornamental enough in peacetime, would be out of place here” (39). Paul understands that, to live through the horror of the war, soldiers must suppress their emotions. Their own instin...