All Pine Medical Center Case Study

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Approximately ten months ago All Pine Medical Center switched from paper medical record to an electronic health record (EHR) system. Dr. Robert Palmer, the medical director for Palmer Cardiology Associates, is having complications with the new EHR system. Dr. Palmer and his associates feel as though it takes up too much of their and their patient’s time to get through the system just to look up a patient’s medical records. Dr. Palmer believes if certain security features, such as having to log in into the All Pine Medical Center main systems with a username provided by the hospital IT department and password of their choosing, than having to log into the electronic health record using the main username but with a different password from before. Along with an access code which is also provided by the hospital IT department. After going through all the login requirements, you will finally be able to obtain the patient’s medical records. Once you get logged into the system, there will be an allotted amount of time …show more content…

Palmer on certain aspects of the EHR system. I also believe that the rules have been placed for your safety. Identity theft is a major crime and with one mistake you could ruin a person’s entire life. Yes, it is a long process to obtain the information you need, but I wouldn’t completely cut out the safety features. It would be better to alter them to your pace. For instance, allowing extra time before the system logs out. If you know you’re going to be there for quite some time, then ask that it will stay open for approximately thirty minutes rather than fifteen. Even the login process can be altered to fit your needs. Instead of having to login multiple times, give everyone their own login, password, and access code. Giving them the ability to login once, but making it more complicated for anyone else to figure out their password and/or access code. The EHR system is a much safer process than the paper

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