Alienation in King Lear and The Jew of Malta

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Alienation in King Lear and The Jew of Malta During one time or another, every individual has experienced Alienation. Whether it is with family members, in our society, in our religion, in our educational institution and even in politics: “The most common form of alienation is the physical and cultural kind experiencing "foreignness" or "culture shock." This is also the kind of alienation that is most easily understood; however, when one feels alienated in one's own home, society, religion, or culture, it is more difficult to rationalize or understand that feeling of not belonging.” Alienation has been defined as when someone does not feel that he or she belongs to certain group or job…. One of the great thinkers whose theory about the “Alienation effect” which has had a great impact on the works of literature is Brecht. Brecht’s theory originated from the Russian and Chinese theaters where he obtained “some of his basic concepts of staging and theatrical stylization.” He had a concept of the “Verfremdungseffekt, or V-Effekt (sometimes translated as 'alienation effect') centered on the idea of 'making strange' and thereby making poetic.” He meant to remove feelings out of the production and to make the spectators detach themselves from the “make believe characters and make the actors to dissociate from their roles. Then the political truth would be easier to comprehend. Once he said: "Nothing is more important than learning to think crudely. Crude thinking is the thinking of great men.” His thoughts has revolutioned the world of theatre where his theme of alienation has been used by play writers to give more effect to their ... ... middle of paper ... ...wn the road of evil and moral alienation instead of redemption. He does not feel the need to make himself more trustworthy and a better person and instead of trying to show to the audience that he can be good and that they treating him as an alien is wrong, he feels enraged and commits crimes. BIBLIOGRAPHY: http. To Prove a Villain - The Elizebethan Villain as Revenger.htm httpMarlowe Society Book Reviews Winter 1994.htm httpContemporary drama countdown since the 60’s.htm httpstudentpapersScully.htm httpIbsen Voyages - with Brian Johnston.htm httpThe Grotesque.htm httpBeckett and Brecht.htm Shakespeare, William. King lear. Ed. David Bevington. New York: Longman, 1997. Marlowe, Christopher. The Jew of Malta. New York longman, 1997. Classic guides the Jew of Malta. Ed. Penguin

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