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Thesis statement on symbolism in ALice in Wonderland
Alice in wonderland symbolic archetypes
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Recommended: Thesis statement on symbolism in ALice in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll, world renowned author, known most for his tale of literary nonsense published almost a century and a half ago, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Several conditions of Carroll’s life molded and shaped his writing. Evidence from Carroll’s book, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland ,one can conclude that Carroll has engraved moments from his life, people around him ,as well as his beliefs and love of logic into his story, considering these are the things that Alice Liddell would recognize.
Lewis Carroll was born in England on January 27, 1832 under the name Charles Dodgson; Lewis Carroll was a pen name. Dodgson happened to be the third child of Charles Dodgson senior and Frances Lutwidge, who was also his father’s cousin. Being the oldest boy of eleven children, three brothers and seven sisters, Dodgson often felt overlooked by his parents. His father worked as a clergyman at the time and was usually occupied with his studies. However, he tried to create time for his children and every now and again and found time to joke and play with Dodgson. The Dodgson children, living far out in the country, didn’t have many friends; nevertheless they played with one another regularly. Dodgson enjoyed entertaining his siblings, especially his sisters, inventing games and puzzles for them as well as setting up theatrical plays and puppet shows. Dodgson often suffered from a stammer, as a result of a sickness he had when he was very young. His stammer showed often when speaking to adults, he mostly talked to other children; this persisted into his adulthood.
Dodgson was homeschooled by his father for most of his early childhood. He was extremely gifted in mathematics and always asked his father to teach him more. He learned everythin...
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...ich are somewhat symbolic of religion as a whole and finding her own beliefs. For instance, the garden that Alice has trouble accessing represents Eden, the flawless world Adam and Eve lived in before they sinned. She has trouble reaching this garden being Alice isn’t yet ready to go to such a perfect place as she herself isn’t pure of heart and still struggles with understanding what she believes in. Throughout Alice’s journey, however, she begins to learn more regarding herself with each curious encounter in wonderland.
Overall, Dodgson’s life and his unique interests, was what inspired him in his writing of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Drawing inspiration from everything around him, especially the things he appreciated eminently, creating one of the most famous and influential books of all time, that is still popular today, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland ,states, “It would be so nice if something actually made sense for a change.” Ironically, Carroll’s novel, to the average mind is literally incomprehensible. This piece of literary work can be seen as one of adventure and excitement through indescribable unrealistic occurrences and circumstances. This characteristic in itself makes it difficult for the mind to grasp however, Carroll manages to create a fun and entertaining novel for all ages to enjoy. From the outside cover, this book may just seem to be an ordinary entertaining novel however, when you dig deep you will to great surprise uncover symbolic references. Two symbolic references can be found in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
As I mentioned earlier, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known by his pseudonym Lewis Carroll, beside being an English author was a mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon and photographer . Carrol created the character of Alice to entertain a daughter of his good friend Dean of Christ Church, little girl named Alice Liddell. The story was first published in 1865.
One of the main purposes for writing Alice in Wonderland was not only to show the difficulties of communication between children and adults. In this story, almost every adult Alice talked to did not understand her. At times she messed up what they were saying completely as well, which many times stick true to real life circumstances. This book shows that kids and adults are on completely separate pages on an everlasting story. Carroll points out that sometimes children, like Alice, have a hard time dealing with the transition from childhood to adulthood, 'growing up.' Alice in Wonderland is just a complicated way of showing this fact. Lewis Carroll's ways with words is confusing, entertaining, serious, and highly unique all at the same time. And it's safe to say that it would be difficult to replicate such and imaginative technique ever again (Long 72).
Ingenuity. The quality of being cleverly inventive or resourceful. The cleverness or skillfulness of conception or design. All authors have their own perceptions and imaginations that reflect in their writings. Lewis Carroll demonstrates a logical, but seemingly nonsensical and childlike viewpoint on the world of the 1800s, via his novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Throughout this somewhat confusing tale, Alice Liddell, a sensible girl of seven, travels through a fantastical dream-like world known to her as Wonderland. During her journey, Alice is met with a number of fairly vexing characters; namely: the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, the White Rabbit, the Mock Turtle, the Duchess, the King and Queen of Hearts, the Cheshire Cat, and the Caterpillar. These odd persons seem to do nearly as much as they can to confuse Alice, but really only provide unhelpful, yet sensible trains of thought. After becoming rather overwhelmed from all of the advice being given to her, Alice is awakened from this bizarre dream by her older sister, telling her that it is time to go home. All through Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, using parody, satire, and symbolism, Lewis Carroll pointedly compares Alice’s dream-world to his own existing world of the 1800s.
Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. New York: The modern Library, 2002. Print
Lewis Carroll's Wonderland is a queer little universe where a not so ordinary girl is faced with the contradicting nature of the fantastic creatures who live there. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a child's struggle to survive in the condescending world of adults. The conflict between child and adult gives direction to Alice's adventures and controls all the outstanding features of the work- Alice's character, her relationship with other characters, and the dialogue. " Alice in Wonderland is on one hand so nonsensical that children sometimes feel ashamed to have been interested in anything so silly (Masslich 107)."
There are some critics that argue that Lewis Carroll wasn’t highly religious if religious at all. A popular topic relating to Lewis Carroll’s religious practices is whether or not he expressed any of his beliefs in his widely known story Alice in Wonderland. Hidden deep in the contexts of Alice in Wonderland, it’s clear that Alice in Wonderland is an allegory to the Christian Bible and contains multiple references to some biblical themes, characters, or events. Whether intentional or not, Lewis Carroll wrote characters, paragraph, and even chapters that mirror some of the most well-known scenes in the Bible.
On January 27, 1832 Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was born in Daresbury, Cheshire Country, England. In 1943 his family moved to the croft Rectory in Richmondshire, North Yorkshire, while he was enrolled at the Richmond public school. Three years later at the age of fourteen in the year of 1846, he went on to the Rugby school in Warwickshire. He spent three years at the school in Warwickshire and left in the year of 1849. Later he went to Oxford in 1851 and earned a B.A. with first class honors in mathematics and second class in classics in 1854. Several years later in 1857 he graduated with an M.A. finishing his studies at oxford. The year 1856 was advent of the use “Lewis Carroll” an Anglicized pseudonym, which he took to publish all his literary works. Mirroring his father’s career path, he obtained the position of Mathematical Lecturer at Oxford which he maintained from 1856 to 1881. Year 1861 he received holy orders, becoming a deacon at the Christ Church Cathedral, however he was unable to be ordained a priest due to his lack of interest in ministration. In 1865 he published the novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, his most renowned literary pieces that is still talked about to this day. Four years later he published Phantasmagoria, a ten year collection of poems, and seven years after that was The Hunting of the Snark. All work associated with his knowledge of mathematics, such as Two Books of Euclid, Elementary Treatise on...
Because of the variety of characters exposed in both Brave New World and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, many similarities can be linked between the two novels’ characters. Although similar characteristics can be discovered, the contrasting personalities and ideas of each individual character create abundant differences between them as well. The insanity of Wonderland’s characters derives from repeated recognition of Lewis Carroll’s love for children. His strong dislike of boys made his strong preference for girls seem even more unusual than it already was, and there were many theories that implied that Carroll felt sexual around young girls. However, there w...
In such a cherished children’s book, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, written in 1865, has caused great commotion in political and social satire. It slowly but surely grew into one of the most adored publications in the Victorian era, expanding into today’s modern age. Lewis Carroll was the pen name utilized by Charles L. Dodgson and has forth created a sequel named Through the Looking Glass, And What Alice Found There composed first in 1871. In short, the text of the story presented with a feminist approach, a corrupt judicial system of Victorian England, the caucus race, and the absence of a childhood, the evolution of species, and Marxism.
Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland follows the story of young Alice trapped in the world of Wonderland after falling down through a rabbit-hole. The rabbit-hole which is filled with bookshelves, maps, and other objects foreshadows the set of rules, the ones Alice is normally accustomed to, will be defied in Wonderland. This conflict between her world and Wonderland becomes evident shortly after her arrival as evinced by chaos in “Pool of Tears” and Alice brings up the main theme of the book “was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I am not the same, the next question is who am I?” (Carroll 18). After Alice fails to resolve her identity crisis using her friends, Alice says “Who am I, then? Tell me that first, and then, if I like being that person, I’ll come up: if not, I’ll stay down here til I’m somebody else” (Carroll 19). Hence in the beginning, Alice is showing her dependency on others to define her identity. Nevertheless when her name is called as a witness in chapter 12, Alice replies “HERE!” without any signs of hesitation (Carroll 103). Close examination of the plot in Alice in Wonderland reveals that experiential learning involving sizes leads Alice to think logically and rationally. Alice then attempts to explore Wonderland analytically and becomes more independent as the outcome. With these qualities, Alice resolves her identity crisis by recognizing Wonderland is nothing but a dream created by her mind.
Lewis Carroll’s life as a writer and as a person can be described to some people as secretive or peculiar. He was born in Daresbury, Cheshire, England in 1832 under the name Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. All the books that he published was wrote with the pen name of Lewis Carroll. Being a mathematician, photographer, and novelist, he was a much respected man in England. At an early age he excelled in mathematics and went to college at Christ College. Even though he was a prestige mathematician, Lewis Carroll in known for his nonsense style of writing. Critics have tried to guess of reasons why this style was plagued with Lewis’s writing but none are guaranteed true. On the other hand, some
Known for its utilitarianist ideals, the education system of the Victorian Era limited the thoughts, speech, and actions of the individual; People were the product of the Victorian society in which they were raised. Many Victorian novelists highlight this mechanization of human beings, as it contributed to the identity crisis epidemic of the Victorian Era in which children were especially affected. In Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll uses the emphasis of facts in the Victorian education system, the likeliness of Victorian Society to discourage the use of the imagination, and the importance of ideal male and female roles of the Victorian citizen, imposed on children at a young age, to create Alice’s confused character analogous to the identity crisis of children during the Victorian era.
The characters in Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass are more than whimsical ideas brought to life by Lewis Carroll. These characters, ranging from silly to rude, portray the adults in Alice Liddell’s life. The parental figures in Alice’s reality, portrayed in Alice in Wonderland, are viewed as unintellectual figures through their behaviors and their interactions with one another. Alice’s interactions with the characters of Wonderland reflect her struggles with adults in real life. Naturally curious as she is, Alice asks questions to learn from the adults.
In Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass, Alice is put in a variety of situations that expose her to different point of views. She meets the other characters of Wonderland as she takes on the role of a chess piece and moves through the “squares” of the chess board designed realm. By the end Alice has gained a new understanding and appreciation of her world, as well as her place in it. Carroll created a series of works that have inspired and entertained multiple generations. The story of Alice and her adventures in Wonderland, however, begins not with the writings of Lewis Carroll, but with the life of Charles Dodgson.