Alice Walker's Beauty: When The Other Dancer Is The Self

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Alice Walker “Beauty: When the other Dancer is the self”. Is about Walker’s childhood accident that left her disfigured and blind in one eye. Beauty meant everything for walker when she was younger. Walker loved wearing dresses and looking her best she felt beautiful. It was mostly based on physical appearance and how she had a spirit that light up the room.
Walker enjoyed when people admired her beauty she had such huge spirit. However, Walker’s way of defining beauty changed when the accident accorded. Sadly enough one of her brothers shot her in the eye with a BB gun and left her disfigured with a blind eye. Which left Walker seeing herself a little different as well as others. Walker viewed herself like she wasn’t good enough because people looked at her a little different after her accident. Not to mention when she was younger kids made fun of her because her eye was scarred. In addition, “I am eight and for the first time doing poorly in school since I was four” (610). In other words she was so …show more content…

As a matter of fact, “Understanding my feelings of shame and ugliness he and his wife take me to a local hospital where the glob is removed by a doctor named O. Henry. There is still a small bluish crater where the scare tissue was but the ugly white stuff is gone” (612). After Walker’s brother look her to remove the glob that’s when she realized looks don’t matter it was just her thinking it did. Everybody has something beautiful to offer in his or her own unique way. Indeed, after all these years Walker had to hid her face and be critical to herself. But all she needed is some confidence in herself and believed she was beautiful. Until, she realized looks weren't everything “Mommy there’s world that in your eye” (613). However, there was an angel that found something so ugly become so beautiful. Walker had something special all she needed was a little

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