Alice Walker: A Short Story

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“But you promised” she cried. “I will never trust you again.” Alice Walker sobbed as she looked dejectedly at the man who she once called father. The man who stood before her was not her father, he might have had the same name as her father, but that was about it. Standing before Alice was someone with dusty grey eyes, which looked as if they had seen everything cruel and wrong in the world. Her father’s were a vibrant azure which rivaled the color of the sky, eyes which had watched her develop from a young babe into a mature woman. Hidden in the lines of this man’s forehead were unfamiliar stories and hidden truths, unlike the father who she once knew, his were an open book, not hidden by his insecurities or secrets.
Being in the presence of this man did not make Alice feel an overwhelming sense of security like a child should feel when with their father instead, a feeling of a fiery disgust and hate pulsed through her veins like a rapidly growing infection slowly gnawing it’s through her body. She needed a release. Her tears dried and she would no longer feel sorry for him or for herself, …show more content…

She had lost her mother, untimely taken by the unforgiving sickness of cancer. Both of them felt the inexplicable grief that came with the loss of such a wonderful woman, dealing with her death in their own ways. Alice turned to art, a therapeutic way to express her feelings while simultaneously uplifting others, her father however, turned to drugs, and after making the heartbreaking discovery of her father’s new habit a few months ago, Alice had made him promise that he would find more effective ways of managing his emotions. She had already lost one parent; she couldn’t take losing too, which was why when her father confessed that he had a drug relapse she had reacted so

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