Alex Lin Research Paper

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Alex lin is helping the environment and making a big difference. Alex lin is standing up and changing people and ideas. Alex lin is from Rhode Island, America, He is 16 years old and he is making a big difference. The three main things to cover are How Alex got started, What is his team doing, and what is the difference he made. There are many things Alex has done to change how people think and act about E-Waste.

Alex is doing huge things now but, how did this all start? One morning Alex was reading an article from the New York Times magazine about E-Waste in America That is how he realized what was happening. E-Waste is the waste generated by computer’s, Phones, TV’s, and a lot of other electronics. E-Waste has many chemicals and acids in …show more content…

Alex and WIN are changing not just people but how thaing are for people. Alex has made cleaner landfills because of Alex getting rid of E-Waste. According to, TakePart.Com, Alex is reducing E-Waste throughout America. This shows how alex is helping and getting real results from what he is doing. According to In 2009, discarded TVs, computers, printers,copiers, cell phones, and keyboards totaled 2.37 million short tons. There are more trees and plants growing around dumps because of no toxins from E-Waste. On the author writes 70% of america's toxic waste is E-Waste.This is helping a lot because all that carbon dioxide that landfills produce is being reduced due to us being able to plant trees by landfills. Based on the article, 40% to 60% of all gasses from a landfill are carbon dioxide. The less E-Waste we have the more trees can grow around landfills and these trees can reduce the percent of carbon dioxide that goes into the air. Also, Kids around the world are being educated because of alex, he is sending computers of to developing countries like Cameroon and Sri Lanka to children that can use them. To conclude, Alex and WIN are changing a lot of things in the U.S and the

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